Chapter 9

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*The next morning*
Kayla's POV
I wake up to Jonah sleeping. He looks so cute when he's sleeping. I decided to take a shower and make breakfast. After i showered I put on

When I came out dressed I saw that Jonah was awake

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When I came out dressed I saw that Jonah was awake.

Jonah: Morning beautiful.

Kayla: Hey.

Jonah: Where are you going?

Kayla: Nowhere. I'm just gonna go make breakfast.

Jonah: Why don't we just go out for breakfast? So you don't have to work so hard.

Kayla: Alright then.

Jonah: Ok lemme put on my clothes and lets go.

Kayla: ok hurry up

Jonah: At least I don't take as long you do.

Kayla: Hey! You need to remember: It takes time to get this beautiful.

Jonah: I know. Come on lets go.

Kayla: Where are we going for breakfast?

Jonah: I have an idea. How about Crazy Ottos?

Kayla: Omg I love that restaurant. Perfect.

Jonah: Wow how did I know that you would love to go there?

Kayla: Yeah how did you know?

Jonah: I see you post pictures of you and others there. Not like a stalker.

Kayla: Oh I see.

Jonah: Cmon. I don't do that. Whatever we're here.

Kayla: Yay!

Jonah: Lets go I'm hungry

Kayla: me too. Looks like there isn't a lot of people here today. I wonder why.

Jonah: I do too. Well it doesn't matter because at least we don't have to wait for a table.

Waitress: Hi guys. My name is Sandy and I'll be your server today. Can I start you guys off with some drinks.

Jonah and Kayla in unison: Orange Juice

Waitress: Ok then I'll bring those out then.

Kayla: Hahahahaha who does that happen?

Jonah: I don't know. But that was funny.

Waitress: Okay here you go.
She came out with 2 tall glasses of refreshing orange juice.

Kayla: What if she just came out with 1 huge glass and 2 straws just for us?

Jonah: I wouldn't be mad. That would have been such an adorable moment. 

Waitress: Sorry to keep you waiting. Are you two ready to order?

Kayla: I am. I will take the pancake breakfast. With extra bacon.

Waitress: Okay. And what would you like sir?

Jonah: I'll take the French toast breakfast with extra bacon.

Waitress: Okay I'll bring those out for you.

*20 min later*

Waitress: Here you guys go. Enjoy!

Kayla: Finally. It took forever.

Jonah: Wait. Lemme Snapchat this.


Jonah: of course I am. All my fans wanna see what I'm up to, where, and who I'm with. So I have to Snapchat you. Is that ok?

Kayla: Yeah sure as long as the picture looks cute.

Jonah: You look good in every photo.

Kayla: Aww thanks. Did you get it?

Jonah: Yeah. Now lets eat.
*5 min into eating* A loud train sounds. Then We learn we get a free meal. 

Kayla: What?!

Jonah: no way.

Other waitress: Yup you guys are the closest one to the horn so you guys get a free meal.

Jonah: Awesome this is great. Now we can just leave without paying.

Kayla: This is great!

10 min later

Kayla: Damn I'm full. I feel pregnant with a food baby. I'm getting fat.

Jonah: Well you did eat the whole thing.

Kayla: Hey. Rude.

Jonah: I'm sorry babe. Can you forgive me?

Kayla: Of course I can.

Jonah: Great. Because I don't wanna fight.

Kayla: Neither do I.

Jonah: So what do you want to do know?

Kayla: I don't know.

Jonah: How about we go back to my place and we can just hang out there?

Kayla: Sure. Do you wanna tell the other guys?

Jonah: I don't know. I should. Or we could just keep it secret.

Kayla: But they'll find out somehow.

Jonah: Your right.

Kayla: I know, I am always right every time.

Jonah: That doesn't make any sense.

Kayla: Pfft. What-ever.

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