Chapter 34

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Later that morning.

When Jack gave Elizabeth her gift.

Jack: Hey wake up Elizabeth. I got you something.

Elizabeth: What is it?

Jack: Something special.

Elizabeth: Oh my god. It looks so great. You got this for me.

Jack: Yeah.

Elizabeth: Thank you so much. You are the best boyfriend ever.

When Daniel gave Aaliyah her gift.

Aaliyah: Hey cutie.

Daniel: Hey pretty thang.

Aaliyah: What is that?

Daniel: Something for you.

Aaliyah: Is that a bow?

Daniel: Yeah.

Aaliyah:It's perfect. I love it. Thank you

Daniel: No problem.

Aaliyah: Now I feel bad because I didn't get you something.

Daniel: It's alright.

When Zach gave his gift to Amy

Amy: What's up.

Zach: I though I would give you something.

Amy: No way. This is perfect.

Zach: I knew you would like it

Amy:How did you know?

Zach: I mean you are always eating chips.

Amy: Whatever. Thank you so much

Zach: Of course.

When Corbyn gave Yannel her gift.

Corbyn: Hey you up?

Yannel: Yeah. What is it?

Corbyn: I got you something to show how much I love you.

Yannel: I hope it good.

Corbyn: I do too.

Yannel: It's perfect. This ring and bracelet are perfect. I don't wear jewelry but this is something I will for sure wear. Thank you so much.

Corbyn: No problem

The girls then decide to post what the guys go them on social media like what Kayla did when she got her necklace. At least she tried to not brag as much as they did. They went full on bragging. So when Kayla saw that the girls got gifts from the boys, she was confused. She was like: I wonder how the girls got all these gifts.

Jonah: I suppose it's from the guys.

Kayla: Oh my god. You scared me.

Jonah: Sorry. Morning babe.

Kayla: Morning.

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