Chapter 14

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Later that day...

Kayla: What do you wanna do now?

Jonah: I don't know.

Kayla: How about we see a movie?

Jonah: Sure. What movie you wanna see?

Kayla: How about Blockers?

Jonah: Sure. Lets get ready and we'll go. Just put the same clothes on so you don't look suspicious.

Kayla: Ok.

Jonah: This shouldn't take long right?

Kayla:It shouldn't.

Jonah: Hopefully not. Because we can't take long if we wanna make the movie.

Kayla: Ok I'm ready.

Jonah: Ok lets go.

Kayla: Lets go.

Skip to the movie theater

Jonah: 2 tickets for the movie blockers.

Cashier: Here you go.

We get into the theater and we go up to the top so no one would see us. So we could be the movie. After the movie ended, we left to go get something to eat because we hungry as hell.

Kayla: Where do you wanna go to eat now?

Jonah: How about the Cheesecake Factory?

Kayla: I would love to.

Skip to when they go back to the why don't We house. They went up to Jonah's room to sleep. The rest of the night wasn't interesting.

Skip to the next Day

Jonah: Hey baby girl.

Kayla: Morning. I gotta go home and get ready.

Jonah: Get ready for what?

Kayla: To meet up with my friends.

Jonah: Omg I forgot.

Kayla: I'll see you later.

Jonah: Bye

Skip to Kayla's apartment
I get to my apartment and take a shower and change into a cute outfit that Jonah will love.

After I got ready my friends came to my apartment to bring me to the why don't we house

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After I got ready my friends came to my apartment to bring me to the why don't we house. I tell her the directions and we get to the house. We pull up to the corner of the park and Jack yells "There they are". Then I introduce all the girls to the boys I told them about.

Kayla: Corbyn, Meet Yannel. Zach, Meet Amy Daniel, meet  Aaliyah, and Jack, meet Elizabeth.

They all were introduced and then we all went our separate ways. Daniel and Aaliyah went out for food. Zach and Amy went to the Hollywood walk of Fame. Corbyn and Yannel went back to the why don't we house. Jack and Elizabeth stayed at the park. Finally me and Jonah went to the mall. I told the guys you have to be okay with what ever the girl wanted to do. Jonah is always fine with whatever I want to do. The first store we went to was Victoria's Secret. We looked through the whole store and every time is saw something either I liked or Jonah liked I bought it. He said all of these things would look perfect on you and grabbed my ass.

Jonah: All of these things would be so perfect on you.

Kayla:Well I'll buy them and you can see how good they look.

After I bought the clothes I decided to go to Sephora. Since Sephora is a makeup store and guys think makeup is overrated, he wanted to leave asap.

Jonah: Why do you need makeup. You look perfect without it.

Kayla: Thanks babe. You are the best. I'll make it quick then we can do what ever you want.

After we left Sephora we went to Ben and Jerry's. We shared a cone of Milk and Cookies my decorate flavor. After that, we went back to my apartment for Sophie and went back to the Why Don't We house where Corbyn and Yannel were. We had to be quiet so nobody heard what we were doing. We weren't doing it. We just didn't want anyone to hear what we were saying. We actually watched a movie because we were bored. I took one of his sweatshirts and Jonah took off his shirt and fell asleep with me in his arms. Sophie was on the edge of the bed so I picked her up and placed her on his chest and we all slept.

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