Chapter 20

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When we got to the dog park with Sophie everything started to get fun. We get out of the car and put Sophie in the park for smaller dogs. When she was released from her leash she was shy at first. Then she saw some other dogs and started to play with them.

Kayla: Come on Sophie. Go play with the other dogs. They won't hurt you.

Sophie runs over to another dog and they start to play.

Kayla: That dog looks familiar. It looks just like my best friends dog. The one who moved away. Like I told you.

Jonah: What if it is?

Kayla: I don't think so. She moved away and said She isn't coming back. I was so sad that day.

Jonah: You never know. It could be her. There is always a chance of that.

Kayla: I don't know. Come on lets go sit on that bench over there.

Jonah: Lets go.

We walk over to sit in the bench. Jonah sits down and I sit on his lap.  He got so into it we might have shown a little too much PDA. When I look back up, Sophie was laying down not breathing. I got up and ran over to Sophie and started crying. When Jonah and I weren't looking, she was in a fight with a bigger dog. She was bit. I saw the bite marks and immediately told Jonah and we rushed over to the vet. I started crying harder and harder. I was basically balling my eyes out. When we got to the vet, he fair what happened and she needed emergency help. We were so scared. I didn't know what I would do if she died.

Minutes later

The vet calls us into tell her what happened.

Kayla: We were at the park and she got bit by another bigger dog.

Vet: Well at least you acted quick. If you didn't come, anything could've happened.So we ran some tests and we found out that the dog that bit her had some ticks.

Kayla: Really?

Vet: Yes. Don't worry. We will give her some medication to take so she'll be fine. But, she might not be as cheery and jumpy as she usually is. The ticks should be gone within a week or two. Just to prevent anything worse that can happen, don't take her out in the public. The only places she can be is the owners house. We are also gonna put a cone on her so she doesn't scratch off the ticks.

Jonah: That means the house or you apartment.

Vet: Yes that is correct. After a week or two come back for a check up and if she is ok, you can take her back out, you just have to be careful.

Jonah: Alright. Thank you doctor.

Vet: no problem.

They leave the clinic and go back to The Why Don't We house. They walk up to Jonah's room and set Sophie on the bed. She falls asleep fast after they give Sophie her medication. Then they decide to sleep after that happened.

Jonah: You okay?

Kayla: Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just worried about what could happen to Sophie if the medication doesn't work.

Jonah: Don't think about it. She'll be fine. Come on. Lets just sleep it off.

Kayla: Fine.

Jonah: Come on. We have to get our minds off of Sophie and what happened. Well, I have to get your mind off of here.

Kayla: Hey!

Jonah: I'm kidding. But seriously. Lets do something to get you mind off of her.

Kayla: Now I'm tired. Lets sleep.

Jonah: Ok lets go. Come on. Your my baby girl and I care about you. Don't you care about me?

Kayla: Of course I do.

Jonah: Then lets just be here for a while.

Kayla: Ok. Lets do it.

Jonah: Thank you. *Takes off his shirt*

Kayla: I bit my lip when I saw him because I knew he looks good like that. He looked so good I wanted to go all over him. I just didn't want to. I was so worried about Sophie I couldn't do anything. I was however into wanting to touch that sexy body of his.

Kayla: Oh. How nice of you to do that. You know exactly what I want.

Jonah: No problem.

Kayla: Ok. Now lets lay down and chill.

Jonah: Lets do it.

Kayla: Jonah laid in the bed and I laid in his chest. He kissed my forehead before sleeping. We then fell asleep.

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