Chapter 7

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One month later

Jonah: Has anybody seen Kayla?

Jack: I haven't seen or talked to Kayla.

Jonah: I have been given her enough time. If she doesn't want to be with me, then so be it.

Jack: Yo, if she don't wanna be with you, can I go with her?

Jonah: yeah sure!

On the phone

Jonah: Hey Kayla!

Kayla: Hey Jonah what's u?

Jonah: Not much. How about you?

Kayla: Netflix. Oh can we meet up later just us? I wanna talk to you.

Jonah: Yeah sure. I was just gonna ask you that. What a coincidence, right?

Kayla: ok how about 12 at the park?

Jonah: Sounds perfect. See you later.

*Skip to the park*
Jonah: Hey Kayla

Kayla: Hey

End of call

Kayla: I'm so happy I'm finally gonna tell Jonah my feelings for him. Wait what am I gonna wear? Oh I know how about this?

 Wait what am I gonna wear? Oh I know how about this?

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This is PERFECT!

Jonah: ok I just wanna tell you, if you wanna pbe with me just tell me if not then-
She cut me off by kissing me.

Kayla: That is what I came to talk to you about. I know it took a while to figure out,but at least I made up my mind.

Jonah: It's alright. I'm willing to put in the time for our relationship if you are.

Kayla: I am

Jonah: Ok then. It's official: we are a couple. So what do you want to do now? We could go out, go to my place, our place, or just stay here. Where do you wanna go?

Kayla: How bout we stay here for a little then go back to my place?

Jonah: sounds good to me.

At about 12:45 they went back to Kayla's apartment

 Then they just chilled and went to her room and watched Greys anatomy

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Then they just chilled and went to her room and watched Greys anatomy. Then we decided to go get food because I was so happy hungry. We just ordered a pizza because neither one wanted to go out to eat. It was ok though we enjoyed it. After that we both fell asleep.

                             Jonah's POV
Now that we are a couple,I'm so happy. Since we were too lazy to leave, we ordered food and then knocked out. When I woke up she was still asleep. I wanted to go and surprise her with something special because I want her to know that I care. I thought about getting her a pet. Specific a puppy. A little baby beagle would do because she loves the way they look and she was so used to the way they act and she really didn't want a big dog. So I left and bought her a  puppy. The upuppy I bought her looked like this.

                                 Kayla's POVAfter we fell asleep, I was knocked out cold

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                                 Kayla's POV
After we fell asleep, I was knocked out cold. I don't remember anything except Jonah kissing my forehead before he left. I didn't really think about it because of how tired I was. When I woke up I heard Jonah saying " Wake up babe,
I have a surprise for you."  When I woke up I saw that he was holding the most adorable little puppy. It was a beagle my favorite. I knew he didn't have a dog so I thought he bought it for me. So I asked him" who's is it?" When he said it was for me, I was ecstatic. I didn't know what I was going to name it though. It didn't matter because all I ever wanted was a little puppy with my boyfriend and now I have both.
I think I'm going to name it Sophie Rose Lou.

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