Chapter 3

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The next day

On the phone

Jack: hey what's up

Kayla: Not much. What's with you??

Jack: just wanted to call and say how excited I am to see you later.

Kayla: I'm so excited to meet the guys especially Jonah.

Jack: Woah! What's going on with you? You aren't together right?

Kayla: we aren't. Its pretty obvious that you all like me. When you guys first saw me, you were all like 😮😮.

Jack: I remember but i gotta go and get ready to see you.

Kayla: Okay bye.
End of call

Daniel: Come on guys we are gonna be late to meet Kayla.

Corbyn: Don't worry. We won't be late if Jonah ever comes down.

Zach: Omg what is taking Jonah so freaking long??

Jack: It's so weird.

Zach: What is?

Jack: When we were talking earlier she said she wants to meet Jonah more than any of us.

Corbyn: She did?

Jack: Yeah

Daniel: Don't worry she might just be wanting to ask him something.

Jack: I don't know. What would she ask him?

Corbyn: It doesn't matter. All that does is how head over heels Kayla is going to be for us when she sees us.

Jonah: Alright guys I'm ready. Lets go.

Jack: Finally.

Daniel: Alright. Who driving?

Jack, Corbyn., and Jonah: Me.

All of them are so confused because they don't know who is gonna drive.

Corbyn: Okay I'll drive then okay?

Daniel: Ok as long as we aren't late.

Jonah: As long as she gets to see how great I look, we will be ok.

Zach: Ok then whatever.

                          At the coffee shop
Kayla: Hey guys   She gives all the guys a hug.

Jonah: Hey pretty girl.

Kayla: Hey cutie.. I mean Jonah.

Jack: Umm Okay then?

Jonah: Don't be sad just because she like me more than all of you four.

Jack: You wish.

Jonah: oh come on don't deny you are jealous.

Jack: I'm not denying it. I just care so much about Kayla. I just don't want someone like you a narcissistic bitch hurting someone I care about so much.

Jonah: Well whatever. Lets just get going.

Jack: yeah I don't wanna deal with this idiot anymore.

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