Chapter 26

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The next day

Kayla: At around 9 I wake up. I go to the kitchen to make breakfast. I just ate some fruit and toast. After I went to the bathroom to shower and get ready. After my shower I wear

And I did my makeup like this

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And I did my makeup like this

I took Sophie and left my apartment at around 11

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I took Sophie and left my apartment at around 11. I took her to the guys house and Zach opened the door. I also saw Amy there hanging out with him. After that I went up stairs with Sophie peacefully resting in my arms. I walk up to Jonah's room and open the door to see him the way I always do. Shirtless. He was getting ready to go out to see me as a surprise. I close the door and say " Hey"

Jonah: Hey what's up?

Kayla: You okay?

Jonah: I am now that you are here.

Kayla: Well I came here because I heard someone wanted to talk to you. I'll be back.

Jonah: Okay?

Kayla: I walk down stairs to find Corbyn. I see him sitting in the couch. I say: Hey Corbyn

Corbyn: Hey what's up.

Kayla: Jonah is waiting for you. Remember. If you do this, I'll tell you how to win Yannel back.

Corbyn: Alright.

Kayla: Wait out here and then I'll tell you when to come in. Okay?

Corbyn: Fine.

Jonah: Who was that?

Kayla: Someone. Come on in.

Corbyn: Hey dude

Jonah: Oh it's you. What do you want?

Corbyn: Ok. I wanna apologize for what I did last night. I really didn't mean to hurt you. I mean you are my band mate. I have to look up to you. Not just because you are the oldest, we might break the band up if this feud keeps up.

Jonah: Wow. That was amazing.

Corbyn: So. Are we good?

Jonah: Looks at Kayla for approval.

Kayla: I nod and we both say in unison: Yes.

Corbyn: Alright. Then. I'll leave you guys alone. I'll talk to both of you later. Bye guys.

Jonah: Bye bro. Alright. I can't believe you. You did this.

Kayla: Possibly.

Jonah: Well I think imma thank the person who did this.

Kayla: You already did.

Jonah: So what do you wanna do?

Kayla: What if the two of us and Sophie find place to go. Then we could go back to my place after.

Jonah: Perfect. I don't wanna waste this perfect day.

Kayla: It's perfect because of you.

Jonah: We can make day even better by spending it together.

Kayla: That would make it the best. But everyday I spend with you is perfect.

Jonah: Everyday when we are together is always the best days of my life.

Okay, I'll stop with all of this cute stuff. All of the girls or guys who LOVE Jonah as much as me want me to keep going but I won't. Sorry.

Kayla: So where do we go.

Jonah: How about we just go for a walk. Us and Sophie. I just hope that Sophie doesn't get hurt again.

Kayla: Yeah. That was such a painful week. I don't want that to ever happen again.

Jonah: I hope that doesn't happen to either of you. That would break my heart.

Kayla: Come on. Lets go. Or we will forget to even go.

Jonah: Alright lets go. Come on Sophie. Sophie jumps in my arms and we go downstairs. Kayla puts on her leash and start walking. My little girls are the best. If only I could be with them forever. We start to walk and Kayla and I are holding hands. She has Sophies leash in one hand and mine in the other. We see some fans walking on the street and they yell out" Look! It's Jonah Marais and his girlfriend.  It looks like we are getting famous I say.

Kayla: I guess we are. They run over across the street to us and pet Sophie. The fans and Jonah took some pictures and he even takes those photos where they enjoys are kissing the fans cheek. I'm not jealous because I get better kisses. Not to brag or anything. After that whole scene we walk back to the house. Jonah gets his keys and we get into the car. He drives back to my apartment and once we get to my place we just stay in my room and sleep for a little bit. We get up and just order a pizza like the first time Jonah stayed over at my place. It was so romantic for us. After we ate I got up to change into some cute Pajamas. We were both weirdly tired and it was like 9:30. I go up and change into these

When I came out Jonah was just sleeping under the millions of blankets I have on my bed

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When I came out Jonah was just sleeping under the millions of blankets I have on my bed. I grab Sophie front he floor and go to sleep.

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