Chapter 15

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When we woke up, we decided to meet up with the other soon to be couples. We decided to go to a fancy-ish place for dinner. I started to get ready and then so did Jonah. I know how Jonah complains about how much time I take to get ready so I tried to get ready quick.

Jonah: Come on babe. We are gonna be late.

Kayla: Ok I'm ready.

Jonah: Damn girl you be looking fine. I'm happy I chose you as my girlfriend.

Kayla: Who else would I choose as my boyfriend? 

Jonah: The other guys.

Kayla: Well at least I chose the right guy for me out of all of you.
They start to kiss and then Kayla pulls back and says: No stop. We are gonna be late.

Jonah: I'm sorry. I just can't stop looking at you.

Kayla: Well you have to if we are gonna make it to the restaurant.

Jonah: Oh come on. Your beauty is gonna go to waste if I make one more wrong move. I can't let that happen.

Kayla: Well you can do it. As long as you focus on us and whatever else is as important as me we will be good.

Jonah: I'll make sure I'll only focus on you, The band, and Sophie.

Kayla: Thanks babe. Oh we're here.

They walk in and wait for the others.

Kayla: Babe you should call the guys to ask where they are. Call Corbyn he has the highest probability of answering. I'll call Yannel.

Jonah: Ok

On the phone:
Jonah:Yo Corbyn, Where are you and the others?
Corbyn: We are on the way. Daniel is such a bad driver.
Daniel in the background: Hey?! I heard that.
Jonah: It's whatever. Just be here soon. Oh also, do you want single tables for couple or one big table?
Corbyn: Single tables
Jonah: Alright be here soon.
End of call

On the phone:
Kayla: Hey Yannel, Where are you guys?
Yannel: I don't know we might be lost.
Yannel: I don't know.
Kayla:Oh, Do you want single tables or group table?
Yannel:Single tables cuz I wanna talk to Corbyn. Oh thanks for hooking me up with Corbyn.
Kayla: no problem I'll see you soon. 
End of call

Jonah: They said they should be here soon. They said they want single tables for them and their girl.

Kayla: I knew it. I wanted a table for just you. So I put 5 tables. 4 for the other possible couples and 1 for us a real couple.

Jonah: It's perfect. Lets just wait for them. Limeys just hope Daniel can get here fast or we have to give up our tables.

20-30 min later

Daniel: Were here.

Jonah: Finally.

Hostess: Are you guys ready?

Jonah: Yeah we're ready.

Hostess: Right his way.

Kayla: All the girls I need to talk to you guys. Are you guys happy about this?

All the girls: Yeah of course these guys are amazing.

Kayla: Alright. Lets go.

As the girls are talking, the guys are saying how cute their girls are. They all thank Jonah. But Jonah says: It's not me you should thank. It's Kayla. She is the one who put all of this together. She is the best.

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