Chapter 29

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*The next morning*

Jonah: I wake up to my alarm at like 7 or 8. Kayla weirdly doesn't wake up. She is such a heavy sleeper. I don't understand. Anyways, I get up and try to not wake up my two little joys of life. I get up and get dressed into clothes I'm known for wearing. A black adidas hoodie, Red tie dye shirt and black jeans. Such a simple outfit. I wrote a note saying: Hey baby. Sorry I'm not here this morning. I went to a sound check with he boys. I left you your favorite from Starbucks. Yes I had enough time to do that. I'll be back in a couple hours or so. When I come back, I'm all yours. Hopefully. Anyways, I'll wont be here so don't do anything crazy while I'm gone. Finally, I love you. See you soon. So left the note on the night stand by my bed and left. I kissed her beautiful face goodbye and left.

2-3 Hours later

Kayla: I woke up at around 9 or 10. I saw the note on the night stand Jonah left for me. When I got out of bed, I walked downstairs wearing one of Jonah's hoodies. I picked up Sophie and walked down. I saw on the kitchen counter, my favorite thing from Starbucks. That actually made my day. It was a Venti Strawberry Acai refresher and a double chocolate chip muffin. I ate the muffin and drank my drink. I go back upstairs with Sophie to change into my outfit for the day. I wore this

My makeup look for today looks like this

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My makeup look for today looks like this

Today was gonna be a day to impress Jonah after such a hard at work

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Today was gonna be a day to impress Jonah after such a hard at work. We are gonna work together later. JK. That line was so hard to type. Anyways. I just stayed in his room and
just went on my phone, played with Sophie, and cleaned his room because I was bored and had to pass time. I also wanted to be nice for him. So I cleaned the house except the boys rooms and bathrooms. I cleaned his though. So after I cleaned I went back to his room and took a 15 minute nap. It was about 12 and they boys come back to the house. They all came home to a nice clean house. Except, the other guys still had messy rooms. When Jonah came up to his room, he saw me sleeping and laughed at me. He knew I was the one who did this. The others were kinda mad. He saw me sleeping so he took a picture of me. After he took the picture the other guys, came to see what he was doing.

Jonah: Aww. Look at her.

Corbyn: Hey toy what's up?

Jonah: Shhh. She's sleeping.

Jack: What are you doing watching her?

Jonah: I just wanna see my girlfriend. She was the one who cleaned our rooms.

Zach: Well not our.

Jonah: Ha sucks for you.

Daniel: She only cleaned the kitchen, the living room, and you room and bathroom. If only she did the whole house.

Jonah: Well ask your girlfriends to clean your room when she is over.

Kayla: You all know I can here you.

Jack: You can?

Kayla: Yes I can. Also, I only did this because of everything you guys have done for me. I decided to do something nice for all of you. Except clean our rooms because your girlfriend should do that because I don't wanna see what is in your room. There could be weird thing hiding in their.

Jack: Well thanks anyway. Come on guys. Lets leave Jonah and Kayla alone to do whatever they wanna do.

We all walk it side and Daniel says: Jonah's gonna get it.

Jonah: Haha. I guess they don't know we can still here them. Anyways, how was you morning without me?

Kayla: It was pretty normal. It was like me at my apartment except I'm not wearing your sweatshirt when I wake up and I'm not in such a big place. You know? I'm usually in my apartment with Sophie and not really thinking about what to do. Just doing whatever.

Jonah: Well it seems your day was pretty productive. Well you did a lot for us. Thank you for that.

Kayla: It's my pleasure. It's my pleasure to do that when you give me pleasure being with you. I mean, when we are doing naughty stuff, we have a lot of fun with each other.

Jonah: Like what's about to happen now?

Kayla: Oh. You really into that right now?

Jonah: I mean do you want to?

Kayla: I was hoping your were gonna ask.

Jonah: Well then lets get naughty. I took of my shirt and pants leaving me in my boxers.

Kayla: Wow. You are looking fine. Hold on. Let me do something real quick. Hey guys, you know you are acting like real perverts if you keep listening.

Jack: Uh. Silently signaling: Lets go.

Jonah: At least we are alone together.

Kayla: Now lets do this thing. I start to walk over to him and sit on his lap and start to kiss deeply and he removes my clothes to leave me completely naked. Then he decides to play with my body.

Yeah imma stop there. I can't keep talking about this. All I'm gonna say is they got very naughty. They did this and then when they finished they just laughed and cuddled about it after.

Jonah: Well I can't believe we just did that. We did well didn't we?

Kayla: I would think so. We could've gone longer but it was still a very successful session. We just laughed about and and cuddled and then we fell asleep. Well I did. He just weirdly watched me and then went on his phone. I woke up a little later and saw he wasn't in bed.

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