Chapter 23

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The next day

Text messages

Jonah: Hey baby

Kayla: Morning

Jonah: Wyd?

Kayla: Nothing. Just woke up.

Jonah: How's Sophie?

Kayla: Oh well thanks for asking me.

Jonah: Well you know I mean you too.

Kayla: I know. Well I'm doing great. She is sleeping. She looks so cute.

Jonah: I bet she is.

Kayla: She really is.

Jonah: You are too.

Kayla: Well aren't you the best boyfriend ever?

Jonah: You must think so.

Kayla: I know so.

Jonah: Well, What is happening today?

Kayla: Idk. How about you just come over?

Jonah: Alright. What time?

Kayla: Maybe 12?

Jonah: Alright then. I'll see you then.

Kayla: Bye. I love you😘.

Jonah: Love you too.

End of messages

Kayla: I get out of bed to make to go the bathroom to wash my face, and rinse my mouth. I don't brush it because it is too much work. It is better to rinse and to then wash it. Anyways, after I came out I went to the kitchen with Sophie following me. I went to he kitchen to make breakfast. I made some friends french toast. I also made myself a smoothie with Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, plain white yogurt, and Orange/mango juice. It was so good. After I ate I brushed my teeth, did my makeup, and picked out my outfit. I wore this

With some distressed denim shorts

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With some distressed denim shorts. Then I just sat in my bed and waited for Jonah.

                               Jonah's POV
I woke up and texted Kayla. I'm going over in about an hour. I can't wait to see her beautiful body and face. I got ready and then drove to her apartment. I was delayed a couple minutes because the guys told me I had to be back by 3 to do a sound check at for the new song coming. I say ok and I went off. When I went to get a bouquet of flowers. Specifically Sunflowers, Daisies, and Daffodils. When I arrived at her apartment I knocked on the dot and I saw her. Her beauty. Everything I love about her. I have her the flowers and she put them in a vase and then went went to her room and I say Sophie sitting on her bed.

                               Kayla's POV
When I opened the door, I saw Jonah had a humbugs bouquet of flowers and they were for me. I put them in a vase to make my apartment look prettier. After I did that, we went to my room and Sophie was so happy she saw her daddy. I was too. (That made me laugh when writing that). I was happy we saw each other. He told me

Jonah: I need to be back at the house by 3. So we have a couple hours to do whatever or just stay here.

Kayla: That's fine. I don't know what we are gonna do anyways.

Jonah: Neither do I. What about we just stay here and relax.

Kayla: We always do that. I wanna go out and do something fun.

Jonah: Well what do you wanna do?

Kayla: I don't know.

Jonah: When you think about it and someone says any ideas, the other person has to give ideas that suit the other person and not them. They have to think about what the other person would want. Have you noticed that?

Kayla: Wow I haven't. Thanks for the fact Mr. Smart man.

Jonah: Of course. I always want things to satisfy both of us. I just want to be happy with you. I am. Are you?

Kayla: Of course I am. Any girl would be lucky to have you as their boyfriend.

Jonah: But I won't love them the same way I do to you.

Kayla: Aww.

Jonah: So what do you wanna do?

Kayla: Lets just go out and find something to do.

Jonah: Alright. You wanna bring Sophie?

Kayla: Sure.  Come on Sophie. We are going out. Come on. Lemme go get my stuff and I'll then we can go.

Jonah: Ok come on hurry up. We drove around and decided to go to the beach and the skate park. We both decided to go and practice our skills. Like Jack and that other girl in the Trust Fund Baby music video. It was so fun. We used some of my boards. Don't judge me for have more than one and keeping them in my car. Anyways, I learned my girlfriend is amazing at skateboarding. She got some skills. "Damn girl. Where did you learn to do so good?"

Kayla: When I was younger, I learned how to skateboard. I was terrible at first but I got better.

Jonah: That's such a beautiful story.

Kayla: Anyways, you wanna show you some moves and school you?

Jonah: Yeah sure. Like you can do better than me.

Kayla: Is that a challenge?

Jonah: It sure is. Lets see what you got.

Kayla: I did some amazing tricks that possibly Jonah could do but I ended with a double flip on my board. He was in shock.

Jonah: Oh damn.

Kayla: Now lets see what you can do.

Jonah: Fine. I did a mix of easy and then more extreme moves. She was so surprised. I told her not to mess with me. So she gave in after a couple more rounds and we left. We decided to go get lunch at a pizza place. I know how much she loves her pizza. I don't mess with her and her pizza. After that we went back to her apartment. When I glance back at the time. It's was almost 4. I didn't realize the time and how many time the guys called and how many voicemails I got from them. So I bring her to her apartment and drive back to the house. I see them all pissed at me. I could tell how mad at me they all were. Even our manager was so mad.

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