Chapter 12

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Later that night

Kayla: I'm bored. I wanna do something or go somewhere. But where do we go?

Jonah: I don't know.

Kayla: Imma go back to my place. You wanna come?

Jonah: Yeah sure. Lemme go out on a shirt and pack some extra clothes because I know tonight is gonna be fun.

Kayla: Ok great. Now where is Sophie?

Jonah: I don't know she was here when we were sleeping. I hope she didn't run away.

Kayla: Well  I mean, She hasn't been anywhere in the world except for your house and my apartment. I hope the doors were closed.

Jonah:  Cmon lets ask the guys if they saw her.

They walk around the house and down stairs to see if anyone has seen her.

Kayla: Hey Daniel, Have you seen a little puppy around the house or outside?

Daniel:No I Haven't. Sorry.

Kayla: Dammit. Where is Zach?

Daniel: He is probably in his room.

Kayla:  Thanks.

Kayla: Zach have you seen a little puppy around the house or outside?

Zach: No I  haven't. Why?

Kayla: We are trying to look for my puppy Sophie. We can't find her. The last time we saw her she was in bed with me and Jonah sleeping.

Zach: I'll help you find her.

Kayla: Thanks Zach.

Zach: No problem

Kayla: Where is Corbyn?

Corbyn: I'm here what up?

Kayla: Have you seen a little epuppy around the house or outside?

Corbyn: No I haven't.

Kayla: Oh man. Are we ever gonna find her?

Zach: Don't lose hope Kayla.

Kayla: Thanks Zach. Wait. Where is Jonah and Jack?

Jack in the distance: Get off of me.

Kayla: Oh no.

Jonah: Where is she?

Jack: I don't know?

Jonah: How do I know your telling the truth?

Kayla: Jonah stop.

Jonah: What?

Kayla: You and Jack have been at each other's throats every time I'm here. This needs to stop.

Jonah: It'll stop when he admits he knows where Sophie is.

Jack: It'll stop when he stop trying to kill me.

Jonah: Well how about I just show you ho-

Kayla: Every body stop. This is getting us nowhere. Sophie could be anywhere and this is only making it worse. I can't deal with this. Once we find Sophie al of this has to stop or I'm leaving all of you guys.

All of the guys: What?! No!

Kayla: Well if this continues the I have to leave all of you and I have to end my relationship with you Jonah.

Jonah: No please don't leave. I'm sorry.

Kayla: Everything will be okay once we find Sophie and you stop fighting.

Guys: Ok.

Corbyn: Lets go find Sophie.

Zach: We need to split up. Daniel and I will go one way.

Corbyn: Jack and I will go another way.

Jonah: And Kayla and I will go another way. Alright.

Kayla: Alright. Well call you when we need to meet up or when we find her. Alright everyone?

Jonah: ok lets go. I don't wanna be out late.

Kayla: Well it's your fault you tried to kill Jack.

Jonah: I'm sorry. I just don't know what Jack could've done. It could have been a plan to get you to be with Jack. And I don't want that to happen. I love you and I don't want to lose you.

Kayla: As long as you don't kill your friend/ band member we will be ok. You have to promise me.

Jonah: I promise.

Kayla: Ok then. Wait what is that? Is that -It's Sophie. Sophie, Sophie come here. Finally, Lets go back to my place.

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