Chapter 24

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When I got back to the house, they were all so mad at me. I promised them I would be back in time and I wasn't. We all then started to get in to a huge fight. This is how it played out.

Corbyn: Where were you?

Jonah: I'm sorry guys. I didn't realize the time.

Jack: What were you doing that was so important to miss our calls?

Jonah: I hanging out with my girlfriend. Something I actually do unlike all of the rest of you.

All of the others gasp.

Jack: You take that back.

Jonah: Make me.

Corbyn: You know what. I can't believe you would say that. We are a band we have each other. You would spend your time with a girl who is just going to eventually break your heart, then the people who would be with at all times?

Jonah: She is my girlfriend. If you guys piss me off, who do I talk to then?

Jack: It doesn't matter. Your whole world revolves around your girlfriend more than your career.

Jonah: You know what. I should've just never told you guys about her. Then that way this wouldn't happen.

Daniel: It doesn't matter. If we stop arguing now we could still make it to the sound check with the record deal.

Manager: I'm not so sure about that.

Zach: Wait what?

Manager: Since were so late, we can't do it anymore. I asked him if we could do it another day and...

Jonah: And then what?

Manager: He said maybe not. Because you know how many times we were late already?
You know how busy he gets.

Jonah: This is all my fault.

Corbyn: It sure is.

Jonah: I don't need any of y'all guys's comments. I get I fucked up. If you at least don't try to attack me for it, I won't try to kill you. Now leave me alone. He storms upstairs to his room. Slams the door and locks it. He tries to call Kayla, but she doesn't pick up. He then stays in his room and releases his anger on to twitter. (Yes, I actually thought of him to do that. I mean he does that a lot. P.S. If you love Jonah as much I do or any boy of Why Don't We, tag them on Instagram or tweet them a lot on twitter to get their attention). It does work.

Kayla: I come home from the store and realize how many times Jonah tried calling and texting me. I go and call him and he doesn't answer. I then text him saying

Kayla: Hey babe. I'm sorry for not answering your calls or replying to your messages. I was out at the store. I left my phone here at my apartment. Please forgive me.

10-20 minutes later

Jonah: I forgive you. I just had to talk to you about what happened between me and the guys.

Kayla: Are you Ok?

Jonah: Idk. The guys got so mad at me because I was so late. And our manger said the record company might not be able to sign with us anymore.

Kayla: Aw man. That sucks.

Jonah: Corbyn almost hit me real bad. I told them I was late because I would hang out with my girlfriend unlike the others. Then Corbyn said they like to focus in their career. I was like, we have no breaks from our career. We might as well spend time with our girls because if we never spend time with them, they might breakup with us. And none if use want that. Do we now?

Kayla: Wow. I'm telling this all to Yannel. I can't let my best friends boyfriends almost kill my boyfriend.

Jonah: Tell me how that works out. Just watch her say that Corbyn said something different.

Kayla: I'll just wait for that to happen. Or she would say I never knew about that. She must be telling the truth or lying. If she gets mad at me because if Corbyn's  fake  story I'll tell her what actually happened. I just hope we are still friends after this.

Jonah: You should be. If not then, she can go off and find another friend.

Kayla: I mean I can't go to the others because that will cause another problem. She will tell them whatever her boyfriend told her if that is what plays out. Because we all became friends by her. She started this friend group. She could take me out and bring someone else in instantly. But all I have to say is, she will never find a friends that acts, talks, sings, or does anything for her the way I do.

Jonah: it's fine tell me what happens. I'll talk to you later okay?

Kayla: Ok babe. Bye I love you 💕😘

Jonah: I love you too. Bye.

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