Chapter 22

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Couple days later

Kayla: It's been a couple of days since Sophie was able to go out with us. Jonah and I haven't been up to much. I don't know what happened with the other couples, but I think they are having more fun than us. Today, I got ready this morning by taking a shower after breakfast and I was wearing this

 Today, I got ready this morning by taking a shower after breakfast and I was wearing this

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I wanted to go look good for today. More specifically, my boyfriend Jonah. When I was finished getting ready, I grabbed Sophie from the couch. She was sleeping so I took a picture
then woke her up.

When I got to the why don't we house, I rang the doorbell, and Corbyn answered the door

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When I got to the why don't we house, I rang the doorbell, and Corbyn answered the door. I walk in to see his girlfriend, my best friend, Yannel waiting for him. I say hi to her hen go upstairs to see Jonah.

Kayla: Hey baby. Our daughter wants to see her father.

Jonah: Are you sure it's just her and not you?

Kayla: Well ok me too.

Jonah: Its alright. I wanted to see both of the most important things to me.

Kayla: Well we are happy to see you too. Isn't that right Sophie?
Sophie wags her tail all happily.

Jonah: I'm happy your here.

Kayla: I am too. So what do you wanna do today?

Jonah: How about we do an us day?

Kayla: We already tried that. And we just ended up, well you remember. Don't you?

Jonah: Oh yeah. How about we go to any place you want to?

Kayla: Id love to.

Jonah: Great.

Kayla: Wait, What are we gonna do with Sophie?

Jonah: How about we just leave her with Corbyn and Yannel?

Kayla: I don't know. You think they will do it?

Jonah: I hope so. Lets go ask them.

Kayla: You ask Corbyn, I'll ask Yannel.

Jonah: Ok.

Kayla: Hey Yannel.

Yannel: Hey what's up?

Kayla: I was wondering if you could watch Sophie for me just for today?

Yannel: Sure no problem. I'd love to spend some time with little Sophie.

Kayla: Ok. I'll bring her downstairs. I bring Sophie to Yannel and thank her for this. I then went to go look for Jonah and Corbyn. I assumed they went into the kitchen and that is where I found them.

Jonah: So will you do it?

Corbyn: Yeah sure. I don't have any plans today. Me and Yannel were just gonna hang out here.

Jonah: Great. See ya later.

Corbyn: Bye man.

Jonah and Kayla then go to the mall. It was her first choice. They went to the nail salon for mani-pedis. Kayla even convinced Jonah to get one. That is a good boyfriend fight there. He got his feet scrubbed and cleaned. They went to  Starbucks next because that is her favorite place to go to. They go and order their drinks and then wait. Once they get their drinks, Kayla asks Jonah" Where do you wanna go?"

Jonah: I don't know. I just wanna go to a place where you would be happy.

Kayla:* starts to blush so hard turns very red. *
Aww. Seriously though. Isn't here at least one place you wanna go into?

Jonah: You know what store I wanna go.

Kayla: Fine. We'll go. Only because I love you and I love that store too.

They walk over to a store that is very popular. It's a shoe store. Jonah has the most pairs of shoes more than anyone from there. (That's a true fact right there.) Can you guess it? If you guessed the vans store, then your right. So they went in and checked out some really cute shoes. Jonah of course wanted the checkered one and I wanted a pair from the peanuts collection. So he got these

 So he got these

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And I got these

It's hard to see but they have snoopy faces on them

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It's hard to see but they have snoopy faces on them. After we went there, we just sat at a bench and stayed there for a little bit. After we had no ideas of what to do, we went back to the car and just stayed there. We then went to the park by ourselves. After hat we went back tit he house because I missed Sophie. When we got back, I saw Sophie was sleeping in the floor upstairs. I was so sad for what they might have done to her. It didn't matter anymore because we just went back to Jonah's room across the hall and stayed there for the rest of the day and then at the end of the day, I drove back to my apartment and slept.

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