Chapter 28

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Kayla: We got to the beach and got the perfect spot. Super close to the water but not close enough to get wet. 😏 JK. We decide to set all of our stuff down and walk around. I made sure Sophie was secure on her leash and we walked off. We were holding hands and we walked around thinking about our lives. What they would be like with out each other. It was such a sentimental moment. We then walked back because we were so tired from walking. I made Jonah take pictures of me for Instagram and Snapchat. We stayed there for a couple hours. After we changed into normal clothes and we walked along the pier. The pier was so beautiful. There was many people that saw him and they is holding hands and figured out that we were dating. I wasn't mad. Even though some fans might have been mad. They got no chance with him though.
*Please remember everything I say is only in the story so don't be coming for me*
They took some pictures and they were so sweet. Again they took pictures, some just regular photos. I also saw that Jonah made a move on this one little girl that was like 12. He put his arm on her hip and pulled her closer to him. I mean idek what that was. But it's okay. She was such a cute little girl. She looked like my best friends little sister. I looked away for a second and see that my best friend from my childhood is actually here. I say" Natalie?"

Natalie: Kayla?

Kayla: Omg no way. My best friends from my child hood is here.

Natalie: I can't believe it. My little sister saw Jonah and freaked out. I saw how freaked out she was and I brought her over.

Kayla: Well all fans of Why Don't We should so that. Wait, How do you know who that is?When Jonah finished taking pictures he walks over to me  and kisses my lips. I pull him away to introduce him to my friend. I introduce hem and they say

Natalie: Jonah?

Jonah: Natalie? Oh my gosh. It's been such a long time. How have you been?

Natalie: My family has been a little weird but I'm doing great.

Kayla: Ok so what is happening here?

Jonah: Oh. Natalie is a girl I met in high school. We would do everything together.

Natalie: Except do everything a couple would.

Jonah: Well duh.

Kayla: Well this is awkward so lets go.

Natalie: Ok. It was nice meeting you and I'll see you again soon. Oh also. Jonah can my little sister get a shoutout on Instagram. She has always wanted that. Because you are probably her favorite.

Jonah: Of course. On Instagram. Yo what up insta story. I was walking along the pier with my girlfriend and saw some fans. I wanted to give a shoutout a little girl who is so sweet. So go follow her and her older sister. I'll have their account here so go follow them. 

Natalie: Thanks you so much Jonah. What do you say, Bella?

Bella: Than you so much. You are the best. This has always been my dream to meet any of you. My dreams have been completed.

Jonah: No problem. It's my pleasure to give my fans the best time vet when they see me.

Kayla: Ok well that is enough. It was good seeing you old bestie. I'll call you later. Bye.

Natalie: Bye guys.

Jonah: What was that about?

Kayla: what was what?  My best friend. Every time she sees a cute guy, she'll do anything to make him hers. I just don't want that to happen.

Jonah: Well you knew her since middle school. I've known her since high school. Things have changed. I'll Trust that she doesn't do that anymore. If she hasn't changed well that's her problem. I won't love any girl but you. You are the only girl I will ever love. You have taken my heart since the day I first laid my eyes on you. I won't ever hurt you. If I do then that is one thing I will regret for the rest of my life. I promise that I will never go with any other girl if you promise to not go with any other guy like that other night. Lets not go back to that. So can you just let her be. It's us that matters to me. Doesn't it matter to you too.

Kayla: I guess it does. Come on I'm tired. Lets just go back to your house and I'll stay there for the night and go to my apartment in the morning. How does that sound?

Jonah:Perfect. Lets go.

Kayla: We go back to the house and go straight for his room. I just couldn't stay up any longer. So I put up my hair changed and went bed. He just slept and cuddled with me. He kissed my forehead and said: Good night my princesses. Because Sophie was also next to me. He said good night and we fell asleep.

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