Chapter 30

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Kayla: I wonder where Jonah is and went to go look for him. I put back on my shirt and leggings and rewore his hoodie that I was wearing earlier. I go downstairs and find Daniel with Aaliyah, Jack with Elizabeth, Amy with Zach, and Yannel with Corbyn. I'm looking for Jonah but I can't find him. So I ask the guys where he is and they say he went out to go look for someone. I wonder who it is. I just hope it isn't Natalie. I won't let that happen. So I redressed and went to go look for him. I saw his Snapchat and see Natalie in the background. He was at he mall with her. I thought, Wait there is no way. He isn't cheating on me. He wouldn't do that. When I get inside I look for him. I see him at the jewelry store which is next to a tattoo shop. I r thought he got her something and got her name tattooed on him. But then I go up to him  and be like: So where have you been babe?

Jonah: Uh. Kayla, What are you doing here?

Kayla: Trying to find out what my boyfriend is doing with one of my best friends.

Natalie: Kayla, Its not what you think.

Jonah: I came out because I got something for you. It was a surprise because I wants to show that my heart belongs to you and only you.

Kayla: So what is it?

Jonah: I got you this.

Kayla: He shows me a beautiful diamond necklace with my name engraved in it. It also says" Anywhere I go I'm taking you." I was so shocked. I was also thinking he got my name tattooed on him. But then I realized he wants me and him to get matching tattoos. I told him maybe. Anyways when he saw my reaction to the necklace he was delighted. He saw my face light up and he got so excited. We then said goodbye to Natalie and headed back to the house. When we got back, All the couples were watching a movie. They were watching The Flash. They weren't even watching the movie though. If you know what I mean😏. Jk they were just kissing. So Jonah and I go back up to his room and stay there for some time. We then  come back downstairs to see all of them asleep. We quietly walked out of the house to go and see a movie. We were going to actually see a movie. We watched Avengers Infinity war. After we went and got dinner. We ate at a Mexican place. After a couple hours and tacos later we get back to the house. Since Jonah gave me the necklace, I've never taken it off since. Every time I wear it I feel loved and protected by him. Anyways, when we got back, no one was outside. Probably because it was so late. All the couples were in their rooms. So we went into Jonahs room and I stayed there for the night. All the girls stayed with the guys for the night. So we were both tired so we went to sleep. I got ready for bed by taking off my makeup and changing into some comfortable pajamas. They were so cute.

Of course he was shirtless when I came out

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Of course he was shirtless when I came out. Classic. So I grabbed Sophie and put her on the bed said goodnight to Jonah and slept. It was so dark. He kissed my forehead before nodding of and then he slept.

Sorry if the chapter was kinda short. I had a big idea it out just changed when I was writing so don't judge. I'll keep writing soon so be on the lookout for more chapters.  I Love all you. Bye bye bye.

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