Chapter 13

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After they found Sophie, they called the rest of the boys to tell them they found Sophie waking along the street. Jonah also told them that he'll be at Kayla's apartment for the night.

Jonah: I'm so happy we found Sophie.

Kayla:Yeah I don't know what I would do if we lost Sophie on the first day we had her.

Jonah: As long as I have two of my favorite things, I'm happy.

Kayla: And what would those two things be?

Jonah: You and Sophie. She is like our child.

Kayla: But what would you do if I was pregnant with a real child?

Jonah:I would be there for you. Those guys who leave their girl, don't truly love them. I do, and that's why I would stay with you for any of your needs.

Kayla: Man I'm tired. Imma go change into some cute and comfortable pajamas.

When I came out I saw Jonah on his phone without a shirt updating his twitter

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When I came out I saw Jonah on his phone without a shirt updating his twitter.

Kayla: Hey babe

Jonah: Hey.

Kayla: What do you wanna do?

Jonah: Idk. I'm tired after looking for Sophie.

Kayla: Me too. I jut wanna sleep with Sophie.

Jonah: Go ahead and sleep. I'll sleep in a lil bit.

Kayla: Ok. Goodnight.

Jonah: Night

Skip to the next morning

                                Kayla's POV
I was so tired from last night. All the boys went back to the house. Except Jonah came back to my apartment. After I changed, I fell asleep. When I woke up Jonah was still asleep. Sophie was right next to him. They both knocked out cold and it was so cute. I decided to take a picture. Then he and Sophie both woke up.

Kayla: Morning babe

Jonah: Hey baby girl. How did you sleep?

Kayla: Great because you are here. How about you?

Jonah: it was hard considering you move a lot. Do you actually know how much you move?

Kayla: I didn't know. Sorry.

Jonah: It ok. I'm not mad.

Kayla: Great

Jonah: So what are our plans for today?

Kayla: I don't know. It's our the day before your friends meet mine?

Jonah: How about we go out on a date together the whole day? We'll be all alone.

Kayla: Ok I'll go get ready.

Jonah: That will take forever.

Kayla: Leave me alone. This beauty takes time.I went to the bathroom to shower and change I onto this. 

I decided to to my makeup today

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I decided to to my makeup today. But all I wore was concealer, blush, contour, highlight, and an Instagram inspired lip. When I got out, Jonah was waiting patiently for me. When we both were finished getting ready we went out to breakfast. We went to a bakery/restaurant. When we got there Jonah treated me to what ever I wanted. After breakfast we went to the store. I had to go get some shampoo because I ran out. After that we went back to my apartment to hang out. We then walked to my room. He started to kiss me and I kissed him back. When we get to my room, he picks me up and puts me against a wall. He continues to kiss me and starts to suck on my neck leaving marks. Then he starts to undress me while walking to the bed. Then he gets undressed and we get intimate. He started to go touch me all around and take his mouth to fun places. After he uses his mouth, we started to grind. We both were so into it, he forgot to use protection. He immediately pulled out. He knew exactly what to do. When we finished we slept and laughed for a little bit and then we had nothing else to do.

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