Chapter 10

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Skip back to the why don't we house.

Kayla's POV
It has been such a long time since I've been here. The last time I was here was the day Jonah asked me to be his girlfriend. I bet they are wondering where Jonah and I have been. What am I going to say when they see me. I'm scared. My only hope nothing bad happens to me today.

Jonah: Are you ready?

Kayla: Yeah.

Jonah: Ok lets go.

Kayla: Alright.

Jonah opens the door and yells: What up guys. I'm back. I have surprise for you.

Daniel: What is it dude- Kayla!

Kayla: Hey Daniel.

Daniel: Where have you been?

Kayla: I needed sometime alone.

Daniel: Well it's ok. I thought I would never see you again.

Zach: Daniel, What's all the yelling abou- Kayla!

Kayla: Hey Zach.

Zach: I didn't think you would come back.

Daniel: Get your own line Zach. I've already said that.

Kayla: it's whatever. It's nice of you guys to care about me.

Daniel: Of course it's no problem.

Jonah: Guys we have something to tell you.

Zach: Ok what is it.

Jonah starts to hold my hand.

Jonah: We are a thing.

Corbyn runs down the stairs.

Corbyn: What?

Kayla: Yeah, We are

Jonah: Are you guys Okay with us being a couple?

Daniel: Yeah I'm cool.

Zach: It's fine unless you show too much PDA.

Corbyn: I don't care.

Kayla: I have some friends that you guys could date. They are some of my best friends. Wait where is Jack?

Daniel: He's in he backyard

Kayla: Ok imma go talk to him.

Jonah: Ok make it quick.

I walk outside to see Jack trying to figure out lyrics for a song. I listened and figured out I was about me. I was so happy. Then I remembered I had to tell him I'm dating Jonah. I couldn't do it. I had to though. I finally did it.

Kayla: Jack

Jack: Hey Kayla.

Kayla:Can we talk?

Jack: yeah sure what's up.

Kayla: There is no easy way to say this. I like- He cut me off by kissing me. After a few seconds I started to give in because he makes me feel so happy, but I pushed away and said

Kayla: I dating Jonah.

Jack: What? Why didn't you tell me?

Kayla: You just started to kiss me and I couldn't tell you.

While I was talking to Jack, Jonah saw what happened and he saw how I tried to deepen this kiss like I wanted to be with him. After he saw he was pissed. So he came out to talk about what happened.

Jonah: What The Hell. I walk in to the kitchen to see my girlfriend and my band member making out.

Jack: Jonah, I'm sorry. I didn't know she was gonna tell me about you two.

Kayla: Jonah. I'm sorry. Please.

Jonah: I forgive you. And Jack,

Kayla: Please babe, give him another chance.

Jonah: okay Fine. Jack, I forgive you.

Jack: Thanks.

Jonah: No problem man.

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