Thank you all

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Thank you all so much who read me story. Ik I write a lot but it is bc I have a lot of thoughts and time. My thoughts are just things my mind creates mentally and think a lot about. I have lots of time to write so that is why I someone a lot. I wrote this story bc I wanted to. My friends saw me writing and that's why I have all those names in there. Keep your eye open for new sorrows bc I will have more stories about the as a band and individual stories bout the boys. So have fun reading. As long as more people read and enjoy I'll keep writing. Ps thank you for 200 reads. Ik its little bit a lot to me. When I hit 100 I was like what?!  I can't believe you guys. Keep writing and I'll write you all later. Love you again lots. 😘😘😄💕

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