Chapter 18

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After Jack and I had sex, we laughed and continues to just kiss. We couldn't do it anymore because we both were just taken, and then we realized we cheated on our S.Os. We decided to keep this to ourselves when Elizabeth walks in to see Jack and I in bed under the sheets with our clothes on the floor. Then she yelled.

Elizabeth: Your cheating on me?!

Then I hear someone run up the stairs and just get luck, It was Jonah. Jonah saw us, and then yelled

Jonah: I can't believe you right now. After all we have been through.

They both storm out of the room and Jack and I get dressed to try and catch up with our S.Os.

Jack: Elizabeth, I'm sorry for what happened. I didn't mean to do that. Kayla wanted to do it, and I

Elizabeth: You wanted to do it too. Admit it. You wanted to do it with her because you still like her. You couldn't refuse because you wish she was yours.

Jack: Elizabeth,I'm sorry baby girl. I just didn't know what was going on in my head. You are the only one I will ever love. And I'll prove it.

Elizabeth: How?

Jack: Like this, He started to kiss her and I was happy for Jack.

He found a girl who isn't me he doesn't like. Don't take me wrong, Jack is great and all, But the only one I truly I've with all my heart and would do anything for is Jonah.

Elizabeth: Fine I forgive you. I don't want to, but I don't wanna be mad at you.

Jack: Good. Come on baby girl. Lets just go in my room and sleep.

Elizabeth: I'm happy you only love me. How about you take off your shirt and I get in my bra and underwear and we sleep like that?

Jack: Alright then. Lets do it.

Elizabeth: I'm tired. Imma sleep here. Okay. Night babe.

Jack: Night babe.

Meanwhile.. Jonah and Kayla are fighting about what happened.

Kayla: Jonah, Please.

Jonah: What?

Kayla: I'm sorry. I was so drunk and I didn't know what I was doing. I would never cheat I you. You are the best boyfriend ever. I can't live with out you. If you can't accept me apology, then, I think we should take a break from each other.

Jonah: Omg. When I heard her say that. I almost broke into tears. I can't let her go. She is the one who let me live my life and she can't leave. If I let her go, she will never see me again and she is my pride and joy. I don't just want her, I need her. Without her, I don't even feel like I matter. "No, Wait. I don't want you to leave. If you leave, I won't be the same. I need you to stay."

Kayla: If you accept my apology, I won't leave you.

Jonah: Ok I accept your apology. If you can prove you don't like anyone else. Which you definitely can, and it might take a while, but if you can regain my trust, I'll accept your apology. We can both forgive each other and forget what ever bad thing happened. Okay?

Kayla: Ok.

Jonah: Kiss me if you really love me.

Kayla: No problem. How is this?

She kisses him so perfectly he starts to deepen it then pulls her away and says

Jonah: Perfect.

Kayla: See, I love you. And Nobody else. You make me feel like completely different person.

Jonah: Well thank you. How about we go back to my room?

Kayla: Sure. Is Sophie here?

Jonah: Yeah, She is in my bathroom.

Kayla: Ok. Lemme get her out. She must be so sad. She has only been around us, the boys, my girls, and where ever she was wandering around that night. I hope she never does that again.

Jonah: I hope you don't leave me.

Kayla: I won't. I would and will never. I love you Jonah.

Jonah: And I will never leave you.

Kayla: Can I tell you something really important?

Jonah: Sure

Kayla: Do you remember the first time we met?

Jonah: Yeah, it was after you talked to Jack in the dressing room. When they weren't looking I went after you to introduce myself.

Kayla: Was it really?

Jonah: Yeah it was. Wasn't it?

Kayla: No it wasn't. We actually met in kindergarten.

Jonah: Really?

Kayla: We were 5 years old. I was playing in the sandbox when you come up to me because I was sad. That was the day one of my friends moved away. You were really caring and we even hung out each other for the rest of the day. We were best friends that year. I even told my friends who much I liked you. After that year, can you remember the rest?

Jonah: Yeah, I do. I moved after the year ended because my dad got a new job and we had to move.

Kayla: Exactly. I've seen you around a lot. I've never came up to you because I knew you wouldn't remember me. And when I heard you became famous in a band I was like, Wow. He's come so far since he moved.

Jonah: A lot has happened in the last 15 years.

Kayla: I know

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