Chapter 35

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Kayla: When Jonah and I were in my bed chilling I heard a noise from outside my apartment. I decided to go check it out. When I opened the door no one was there. Until Natalie tried to push me off of the balcony. I yelled for help and Jonah came running out. He saw her hands on me and thought she was just playing around. But I could tell she wasn't playing around. So she pushed me out of the way and ran away because she knew Jonah would do something. He helped me up and talked about what happened. We talked said:

Jonah: How was that?

Kayla: It was Natalie.

Jonah: What was she doing here?

Kayla: She tried to push me off of the balcony.

Jonah: What?

Kayla: Yeah. I guess she really is into you. She will do whatever she can to make sure I won't be here and you will be together. After I said that. I got a text from Natalie. It said: I hope you can tell I wasn't joking about what happened. I mean it. Leave my best friend alone. I don't need a girl like you ruining the one person I have left.

Kayla: What do you mean?

Natalie: I mean you have done so many things to me. You may not remember middle school. I'm middle school, you took everything I had away from me. My friends, my boyfriend, even my family. They liked you more than they liked me.

Kayla: Oh I'm sorry. But why does all that have to relate to you trying to kill me?

Natalie: You have something I want.

Kayla: No. you can't have my boyfriend.

Natalie: Well as long as your around.

Kayla: It doesn't matter. You want me dead so you can take everything back for yourself.

Natalie: True.

Kayla: This isn't what you should do.

Natalie: Save your paragraph. You can't convince me to stop me from doing my plan.

Kayla: Alright. You can do anything you want. Just leave Jonah, the why don't we boys, their girls, and my family Alone. Do whatever you want to me.

Natalie: That's fine because all I wanna do is to you.

Kayla: Well bring it on. But can we talk this out?

Natalie: Fine. Meet me behind the old maple syrup factory. 11 pm. Come alone. Then we can talk. Be there.

Kayla: Fine. Now delete this number. No one can know who you are.

Natalie: Bye bye.

End of texts

Jonah: So what are you gonna do?

Kayla: Imma go. I can't let anything happen to you, my family, my friends, or the guys. If I do, I won't be able to live with my self.

Jonah: If you go alone, I won't be able to live with myself. How about if we go there before you too talk? I'll bring the guys, and the girls.

Kayla: No. I can't drag you guys into this. This is my problem. My fight. I can do this. At least I know I have you on my side.

Jonah: Of course I do babe. I can't let one girl or anybody take you away from me. My pride and joy away from my life.

Kayla: And please. Don't go there tonight. I have to go alone.

Jonah: Ok then. I'll let this by yourself.

Kayla: Thank you. Lets do something. How about we go back to the house for a couple hours and then we can go back to my place after I talk to Natalie.

Jonah: Sure. We take an Uber there because I didn't wanna drive. Once we got there, Kayla set Sophie and let her run and play with Jack and Elizabeth. She walked upstairs and told the  others what is about to happen. I had to keep quiet because she wouldn't want anyone else knowing. I told them that this girl was going to do anything to she wants to Kayla so she can have her normal life back. They all reacted shockingly. Elizabeth told the other girls and they weren't able to contain their anger. I grabbed Sophie and brought her up to my room. I saw Kayla crying on my bed. I said: Woah. Kayla what's wrong.

Kayla: I'm fine.

Jonah:No you aren't. Are you scared?

Kayla: No. Of course I am. I don't know what could happen to me. I am a strong girl. I don't let anything get to me. My life has just been so hard these days. Just like in middle school. I feel her pain now. Can we just stay here and not tell anybody about this. Can you give me a ride?

Jonah:Yeah sure. I'll do anything to make sure you are okay.

Kayla: Thank you so much. You really are the best boyfriend ever. I wanna keep you forever.

Jonah: Then why don't you?

Kayla: We could make that possible. As long as we don't make any moves on other people. We must promise to each other that.

Jonah: I promise. Leans in to kiss Kayla.

Kayla: I had a bad day. I just want to know why Natalie hates me so much. Oh also, When you were in high school, what did you guys do together?

Jonah: Why? You jealous?

Kayla: No. just wanna ask if it seemed like she had a crush on you even back then.

Jonah: Well IDK. Lets just stay here and figure out what to do until then.

Kayla: Alright then.

Thank you all so much for reading my story. I know I update so much, but it is because I have nothing else to do. But, my life is taking turn of events now. So if you guys keep reading and enjoying, I'll keep writing.
Spoiler: All the girls get engaged to the boys in the same day. Also, Natalie goes to therapy and gets pregnant with another guy. She will be okay. Nobody will worth about her now. She is gonna be fine.

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