Chapter 6

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Jonah: Cmon lets go. Lets get outta here.

Kayla: I feel so bad lying to them considering I don't even know them.

Jonah: Don't feel bad. I just had to talk to you.

Kayla: What did you want to talk to me about?

Jonah: Idk. I just wanted to be with you alone.

Jack's POV
I can't believe him. He is trying to steal her away from us. I have to stop them before they become a couple.

Jonah's POV
Alright. You can do this. Just ask her. I know she likes me. If we become a couple, all the guys can respect me and I can laugh in their faces.

Kayla's POV
This is going well. He started to hold my hand. I was excited and probably started to blush so hard. I have a feeling his is going to ask me to be his gf. If he does I will be happy and sad. I want to be with him, but I also want to be with Jack. If I break his heart, he might hate me. I just can't decide what to do or who to choose.

Jack: what do I do? I have to think quick. If they sees me they'll be mad at me for eavesdropping. Well it doesn't matter. I'm willing to do anything for Kayla.

Kayla: that's so sweet. I wanna ask: why were you and Jack fighting over me.

Jonah: He likes you. All 5 of us do. Some more than other. I know Jack and I like you the most. We would do anything for you. I just imagine Jack is listening to us right now.
Kayla's POV
Right now I am so happy. All of the guys like me. But I know that jack and Jonah like me the most. They are both really sweet, loving, caring, and most of all cute. If Jonah asks me to be his gf idk what I'll do. If I say yes to him jack will be sad I didn't ask him and if I am with jack Jonah will hate me. Why does life have to be so confusing?

Jonah's POV
Ok. Our can do this. Just stop, ask her, and you will be good. As long as she says yes. I know that she likes jack. If she says says no and goes with jack, I'll be so heartbroken I will have no meaning for living.

Jonah: Kayla, I've been wanting to ask you this for a long time.

Kayla: Jonah, what are you doing?

Jonah: You have been so kind to me and I love you. If you say no, I will have to real purpose of living anymore. Will you be my girlfriend?

Kayla: Jonah, I really like you and all that, but I don't know. We have only known each other for about a month. I hope you can understand that I need time.

Jonah: Alright. You need time. I just hope you say yes and we become a thing.

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