The Finale:Chapter 37

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Jonah: I get to Natalie's place and sleep in her guest room. It looked so nice. Here it is

When I saw this I was in shock

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When I saw this I was in shock. Natalie got so happy. She finally had me all to herself. She even decided to go places with. Well at least try. I told her no. I'm dating her best friend. Well at least I think you two are. She
told me they weren't best friends. Anyways, I won't do that to her. Even though she did that to me.

Natalie: Ohhh. Juicy gossip. Tell me more.

Jonah: No. Then your just gonna blurt it out to other people. That would make me even more mad than I already am.

Natalie: Fine whatever. Just go to sleep. I'll have you help me in a couple hours. Nighty- Night JoJo.

Jonah: Night.

The next morning.

Natalie: Wake up useless piece of trash.

Jonah: Don't call me useless because I'm the one helping you.

Natalie: Whatever. Ok. This week, you are gonna help me get my friends back. Then next week, my family. The second week is what I'm looking forward to.

Jonah:Whatever. What are we gonna do?

Natalie: They all used to like Kayla. Not me. And they even liked you.

Jonah: Ok. So?

Natalie: You are gonna be my bait. I'll tell them that I have Kayla's boyfriend here and I'll tell them it's you and if they wanna meet him come over. Then I'll only let them in as long as they do what I say.

Jonah: So I'm just an object.

Natalie: Don't think of it like that. But yeah.

Jonah: Fine lets just give this over with.

Skip to after Natalie tells them about Jonah and hey come over and she lets them all in.

All the girls: Hey Jonah.

Jonah: Hey. What's up.

Natalie: Ok Jonah. This is Ashley, Gaby, and Jasmine.

Jonah: Nice to meet you all. So just remember, don't try anything. I have a girlfriend. I won't do anything bad. I'll only talk, go out, and hang with you. After this week , i won't see any of you ever again. We clear?

The girls: Yes.

While this is happening The WDW couples are helping Kayla get through the next two weeks.

Yannel: You good?

Kayla: Yeah.

Yannel: You sure.

Kayla: I'm ok.

Yannel: I have an idea. How about us and the other girls have a day to hangout. Just us.

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