Chapter 32

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They get to Kayla's apartment and get lay down and sleep. There really wasn't anything exciting happening. They were just hanging out and slept together. Not in a dirty way though. The other guys did the same. They went to their girlfriends places. The guys slept with the girls. Remember: Not at all sexual.

The next morning:

The group chat with all the girls:

Aaliyah: Morning besties.

Yannel: Hey

Kayla: What's up?

Elizabeth: What's up hoes?

Amy: What are we talking about?

Aaliyah: So how was your guys night? Especially your Kayla. Because I know how you and Jonah are.

Kayla: We didn't do anything. I was just really tired. Oh, did you see me wearing that necklace?

Yannel: Yeah

Amy: What about it?

Kayla: Jonah got it for me. My boyfriends loves me. More than your guys love you. Jk

Yannel: Oh ok. Because I was gonna be like bitch hell no.

Elizabeth:What are we talking about?

Yannel: What we did last night.

Elizabeth: Well my night with Jack was alright. We just stayed in and watched a movie. It was pretty cool. How about you guys?

Yannel: Corbyn and I binged 13 Reasons Why and The Flash. We did both. It was the best.

Amy: Zach and I watched the Flash after we got a little naughty.

Aaliyah: Damn girl. Daniel and I just laid outside to watch the beautiful night. Then we went back inside to sleep.

Elizabeth: Well we all said what we did. What did you do Kayla?

Kayla: We just sat down and thought about what we would do when we get old. I have to tell you something we were gonna do. Don't get mad.

Yannel: Sure what is it.

Elizabeth: You can tell us anything

Aaliyah: Are you Okay?

Amy: You sad Mija?

Kayla: I'm fine. Just we thought we would get a tattoo to show our love for each other.

Yannel: What? Are you serious?

Aaliyah: No way.

Amy: I mean you can do what ever you want.

Elizabeth. Yeah. Amy is right. You should be
able to do what ever you feel like you want to.

Yannel: Well I support you with whatever you wanna do. I mean I wanna tattoo too.

Kayla:Aww thanks guys. I'll call or text you guys back with whatever happens. Imma have an adventure today with Jonah.

Yannel: Ok byeeee
End of texts.

Jonah: Hey.

Kayla: How did you sleep?

Jonah: Great. I had a lot on my mind.

Kayla: Like what?

Jonah: You.

Kayla: Cool. I was talking to the girls. So about what we wanted to do.

Jonah: Do what?

Kayla: Our tattoos.

Jonah: Oh yeah. What about them? 

Kayla: I was thinking we could get them.

Jonah: Are you sure?

Kayla:Yeah I'm sure. What do you want to get though?

Jonah: I was thinking like the heart with he arrow going through it with each other's initials in it.

Kayla: Aww that's perfect. I mean do you think we should. We have only been together for a month or two.

Jonah: Yes. If I get a tattoo of my girl, I want it to be you.

Kayla: Alright lets do it.

Jonah:When do you wanna get it?

Kayla: I don't know. Soon at least. And I got an approval from my friends and parents. They let me do anything that i want as long as it is not too crazy. They might not like it though. They said they were okay with it though. They know about you. I told them about you.

Jonah: At least they know, we'll be fine. How about we do it sometime this week?

Kayla: Alright. Lets do something today.

Jonah: Like what?

Kayla: I don't know. Just something fun. How about we go and fine a place to take cool Instagram shots. Would you like that?

Jonah: Yeah. I mean I do that all the time with the boys.

Kayla: alright it's settled. Come on lets go. Get dressed and we'll find spot to go. We'll eat later.

Jonah: Were skipping on food?

Kayla: Yeah.

Jonah: Fine.

Kayla: Lets go. I got ready into this

Jonah said I looked adorable and I probably blushed super hard

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Jonah said I looked adorable and I probably blushed super hard. So we drove around to find a place and we found a place and he took some super cute pics.  I took some of him where he wasn't looking in purpose and I had some where I looked super happy. It was such a successful day. Later we just chilled at my place and the other guys did the same. The guys stayed at the  girls places because we were so tired. Nothing else happened.

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