Chapter 4

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Kayla's POV
So I had to move since Jonah ordered seafood and allergic. Now I'm sitting next to Corbyn. I know all of them are single and are trying to win me over. I just wanna see what is gonna happen later. After about 10-20 mins all of our food came out fresh and hot. It looked so good I had to take a Snapchat of it. After we all ate we left. I had to go to the bathroom first though which meant the boys had to wait. I told them they could wait in the car. They all left except for Jonah. When Jonah stayed Jack saw and wanted to see what was gonna go down.

Jonah's POV
I feel so bad I forgot Kayla was allergic to seafood. I apologized and she said it was ok but idk if I believe her. Anyways, since all of them are in the car , I can take her out to the beach across from here. I have to make a move before anyone else can. I have to ask her. I need an excuse to tell the guys. I got it. I'll tell them: Imma catch up with my friend Andrew. After I thought of that Kayla came out of the bathroom and it was time to take her out.

Jonah: Too you long enough.

Kayla: Sor-ry. I'm a girl. You should probably know that girls take a long time in the bathroom.

Jonah: It's fine. Whatever.

Kayla: Alright lets go.

Jonah: I have another idea.

Kayla: And what would that be?

Jonah: Imma take you to the beach and stare into the natural beauty of the water and your beauty too. I also have a surprise for you.

Kayla: That's sound great. But what are you going to tell the guys.

Jonah: I have figured it out already.

Kayla: Well ok then. I suppose we can go.

Jack's POV
I heard everything. I can't believe this. Jonah is gonna ask her out. He is gonna ask her to be his girlfriends. If he does that anything else can happen. I've gotta stop them. But what do I tell them? I'll tell them: I wanna go check out what this part of LA looks like because I've never been here before. Oh there they are.

Corbyn: Yo what took so long?

Kayla: I was in the bathroom. I'll admit I take a long time, but there are girls who take longer, and you have to respect a girl if you want a girlfriend.

Corbyn: Alright it's whatever. You two get in and wait where is Jack?

Jonah: Actually I was gonna go find my friend Andrew who is here and I forgot we were gonna hang out today.

Kayla: Imma go look for Jack.

Guys: Okay.

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