Chapter Twenty-Six

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I didn't know what to think when I saw the straight, skin piercing marks on her wrist.

Was there more?

Why would she do this to herself?

How long has it been since she last did it?

I lied down with her until I knew she was sound asleep and too in depth to wake up when I move.

I slowly got up and quietly exited her room and closed the door.

There was only one person who could know anything about Elliana's markings and curiosity got the better of me as I picked up my phone and dialed the number I got awhile back. Well, I made Mason give it to me.

It rang and rang until her voice drowsily answered. "The hell do you want?"

Yep, she still hates me.

"Kara, I need your help."

"Why do you need my help? I am not doing anything with you, asswipe." Her tone suggested that her annoyance with me grew.

"No, no, no. Nothing like that. It's about Elliana."

"Awww, you know her name. It's not Cupcake this time." Sarcasm was clear.

"No shit." I said. "I was wondering if you could explain something or clear it up for me."

"Like what?" She asked.

"Like why she has scars on her wrist."

Her voice became nervous and wary which was odd for Kara. "I can't do that. If you want to know, confront her. And if you do, make sure I'm there."

"I was going to ask her when she woke up." I stated.

I heard her groan. "Are you fucking stupid? What you saw guarantees that she has issues. You live with her. Bombarding her with questions the moment she wakes up will make her even more grouchy and grumpy. Don't be stupid, stupid!"

"She had a small breakdown today. We went to the beach, and she went swimming, and when I came to find her, she was just about to drown."

"Did she ever tell you about the time when she was seven and her brother pulled her out of the local pool and just about saved her?"

I remembered that day. I drove her to the pier that day and this time when I took her, it wasn't pleasant.

"It was a brief version of it."

She sighed before speaking. "There are two possible explanations for her breakdown or they both could have contributed to it. She never learned how to swim despite living near the beach. Her parent's used to cherish her like a precious diamond. The second reason is because of Brendan. That was a time when Brendan cared for her. He was about eleven. Around the time of fourteen, he became cold towards her. She was ten years old. What's a ten year old to do when her idol starts putting her down and treating her like dirt?"

How could he do that? How could he just throw his sister to the side like that? "How bad did he treat her?"

"He pushed her. He teased her about her weight. He smoked cigarettes around her. She wouldn't have minded had he listened and tried to stop smoking, but instead, he just told her he really didn't care if it contributed to someone's health. He just didn't care. She knew that basically meant he didn't care for her - he didn't care if she inhaled the smoke and it damaged her lungs. He just didn't care for her very existence." It finally made sense to me as to why Elliana got sudden anger whenever I got a cigarette and smoked it. Brendan was the cause of it. "She loved her brother and she used to be his precious little sister, but he abandoned her for the wrong crowd."

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