Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Right after Colton and I's conversation, I trusted him slightly more.

In all my life, nobody took the time to listen besides Kara, of course. She was there in everything and she still is.

If anybody saw my scars, they'd pity me but Colton instead, was concerned. Kara was the only one ever concerned for me and if it was anybody else, then they don't exist except Colton, obviously.

"Elliana!" Eleighna's now slightly raspy voice called out.

I walked into her room and saw her hurriedly get up from her bed and run to the bathroom.

When I got to the bathroom, she was doubled over, puking out whatever kind of food she had in her stomach.

Although Eleighna had been going on getting her chemotherapy along with keeping an IV here at the house with the medicinal treatment, symptoms continued and I didn't know why.

Once she was finished, she slumped against the bathtub and looking inside the toilet was not only digested food and stomach acid, but there was also blood.

"Eleighna, are you bleeding?" Stupid question.

She nodded her head, trying to show a smile where I could barely see blood leaking down her teeth out of the gums.

"We have to get you to the hospital, Eleighna!" She shook her head.

"I'm fine."

"You don't look fine, Eleighna." I know worry was clear on my face. "Colton!" I yelled out. "Eleighna, just brush your teeth and we'll get you to the hospital." Reluctantly, she did it.

Within five minutes, we were in Colton's truck on our way to the hospital.

As time went on, we just sat in the waiting room of the ER hoping Eleighna is alright.

Colton paced back and forth pulling at his short brunette locks of hair.

I could tell that he was close to breaking down. He was suffering from panic and anxiety.

I remember when I had these kind of attacks. When I had the panic and anxiety coursing through my veins because I thought Brendan was mad at me because I took some kind of candy from his room but I didn't think it was worth getting mad over. I wanted someone to hold me and tell me that it'll be fine and deep down, I knew it wasn't but looking at Colton right now, he's going to need comfort, not reassurance because we may not even know if she'll be fine. Cancer is unpredictable - any kind of cancer is.

I stood up and pulled him to sit down as I held his hands in mine.

"Colton, you need to focus."

A tear leaked out. "I can't. My little sister is in the hospital because Cancer is giving her some side effects!"

I could tell how worried he was - anybody could.

Don't you wish your brother cared about you like this?

No, Elliana! Don't think that! I can't think that just because Eleighna's and Colton's brother/sister relationship is better than mine with Brendan. I can't be jealous of it.

I recited his words in my head.

"I can't! My little sister is in the hospital because Cancer is giving her some side effects!"

"Nobody wants Cancer, obviously, but even if it's bringing her closer to death, doesn't mean it's necessarily going to happen to her right now, Colton."

He looked up at me, his irritated skin circling his eyes from crying. "How do you know this?"

I sighed heavily. "There are situations in this world that can be compared to others. It doesn't have to be anything I've gone through. There are plenty of situations - good and bad - that can have a fifty-fifty percentage of going either way. This one is one of them. It's a bad situation that can have a good outcome." The complexity of things can have the beauty of simplicity.

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