Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The light tapping of the rain sounded against the screen door.

I sat in the living room eating popcorn. There isn't anything better than relaxing on a couch in some lazy clothes, eating, while watching Netflix.

I was getting into my favorite episode of Teen Wolf when I suddenly felt hands press on my shoulders from behind and a husky voice screaming,"Boo!" Not even an inch away from my ear.

I screamed while almost throwing my popcorn into the air.


If it had caused me to throw the whole bowl into the air, I would've complained. The last good kernel that wasn't bad would've no longer been good.

I turned around and saw Colton clutching his stomach, laughing.

"It's not funny, Jerkface." I said, grabbing the pillow on my right and launching it at Colton.

"Yes, it is." He said, regaining his composure.

I shook my head, returning my attention back to Teen Wolf. If I had to name my top three ships in this show, it'd be Scallison, Daige, and Stydia. Even though I had watched this episode too many times to count, I can't get over Derek and Paige.

I don't know what it was that got me so addicted to this episode. Maybe it was their high school love story, the cliché couple, or maybe it was Ian Nelson. It's probably a mix of all three because I can't ever stop my tears on this episode.

I felt light tapping on my shoulder and I looked towards Colton. "What?" I asked rather harshly.

"Why are you crying?"

"It's a ship."

"But the ocean is awhile aw-"

It's a ship." I spoke again.

"Is it because of Tit-"

"That's a sad movie, but it's a ship!" I exclaimed. I won't ever get over this, just like I won't ever get over Scallison.

"What the hell is a ship?"

"You sounded incredibly stupid right then." I said, eating the last good popcorn kernel.

I'll always love you.

"Well, you say ship and I think you're talking about a boat but then apparently, it's something different." He said exasperatedly.

"It's that same thing as an OTP." I said, putting the bowl on the floor.

"Well, if you said OTP, it would've made the guessing game ten times easier."

"What's the point of the guessing game if it's easy? The point is to guess." I said, as the tapping of the rain had now turned heavier.

Colton groaned, jumping over the couch, plopping himself on the soft material. "Sometimes, you're frustrating. You know that?" I nodded.

At the same time of the small movement of my head, a crackle of thunder sounded followed by flashes of lighting showing themselves through the screen door.

I jumped slightly. Ever since I was a child, thunderstorms had scared me and that fact has not changed.

Colton and I had decided to stay here at the house while Martin and Grace had gone to work. The weather forecast was rarely right and today was a rare day. We had planned to go see Eleighna and much to our dismay, it had hailed before. Storms like this didn't happen often in California. If anything, we receive more earthquakes.

"I know."

I continued to watch Teen Wolf when Colton spoke up again. "When are you going to teach me how to dance again?"

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