Chapter Two - Revised

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"Ellie!" The teenage girl's brunette straight hair swished back and forth behind as she ran up to me.

"Holland!" Holland is Kara's little sister.

The next two people I saw were Kara's parents. There was her mother, Michelle Wells, and her father, John Wells.

"Hello there, Mr. And Mrs. Wells." Although the family I lived with wasn't around often, they still taught me to be polite and have manners whether you knew people or not. That was one of the things that got on my nerves every single time. They had made sure that I was polite and well-trained when they were completely blinded by their son's actions- partying, drinking, smoking, and sleeping around.

"I haven't seen you in awhile, Elliana. Well, besides the news and TV, of course. How have you been?" Mrs. Wells was a plump, kind woman. She didn't care who you were, unless it was obvious that you were a complete creep, she would welcome you with open arms. It was like the exact opposite of me.

I didn't open up to people.

"I've been doing good."

John just smiled to me.

"Well anyways girls, we were just visiting. I don't know if you guys have anything to do so I guess that we'll be leaving." They started walking out the door when I caught sight of Holland's disappointed face and Michelle slightly putting her head down.

"You know what? I was going to cook dinner so you guys can stay if you want. There's enough to go around for all of you." I smiled happily at the family as they turned around.

I'm not one of those celebrities who has their own personal chef. When I was in high school, I had developed another love besides singing and the performing arts- I developed a love for cooking and baking.

"Oh, Elliana dear. Are you sure? We don't want to feel like we're intruding." Michelle had a guilty face on while Holland's was neutral and I'm pretty sure John just didn't care.

"I'm positive. You're family." I smiled while getting out the ingredients to make spaghetti.

"Well thank you for this, Elliana." I nodded at Michelle.

It was maybe an hour and a half or an hour before it was all finished along with the garlic bread.


In about an hour or so, all of us were seated with our spaghetti dish and silverware.

"So Ellie, how was the tour?" Michelle was the first to talk.

"It was actually fun. There's always new experiences around the world. Interviews and getting mobbed weren't that great but my fans were the best part." I smiled at her remembering my tour memories.

"Well, it sounds lovely. And Kara, did you like it?" Right when Michelle had finished speaking, thunder sounded and the electricity went out.

"Oh shit." Kara said a bit too loudly which made me chuckle a bit.

"We should be going, now." John had stated. I could hear constant, hard raindrops on the rooftop of my house.

"But guys! It's pouring outside! Judging by this weather, it's going to last all night! It'd be better if you stayed here." Kara had reasoned with her parents. John and Michelle looked outside and hesitated but made their decision.

"I guess we'll stay. It's better than going out there." Another sound of thunder rang out after a flash of lighting went off in the distance.

"Ooh, it'll be like those family nights we used to have. I can't wait!" Kara had yelled out and had turned from reasonable to childish in less than a minute.

Holland had nudged me in ribs a little and motioned for me to follow her.

I hadn't looked back at Kara but I knew her enough to know that she was currently picking out a movie to play on her fully charged laptop.

I followed Holland into my room. Holland had spent the night here many times to know her way around.

"So Holland, what's up?" She looked hesitant, as if she was debating her decision.

She finally stopped her train of thought and blurted out,"Is it true what they say about you in the tabloids, Ellie?" My eyes went a little wide.

For a moment, I could feel a small form of anger build up in me before it faded away.

"No. Why would you think that?"

"Remember a few years ago, before you became famous and I told you that you were like a role model to me?" I nodded. I had remembered it too well. That was the first time I had felt like an honest inspiration to someone. "I just wanted to make sure you hadn't changed. I wanted to make sure that you're the same Ellie that I had looked up to back then."

I smiled and hugged her. "I won't ever change, Holland."

"One more question?" I nodded for her to go on after we pulled apart.

"Before you left for your career, you always seemed..." Holland was at a loss for words.

"Sad, lost. Maybe a little heartbroken." She looked up at me in surprise. "Holland, I was in a bad state at that time. You're one of the only people I owe everything to. It may not be easy for me to admit things but ask me anything you want to know."

"Ok. How about why?" But that was the one question I had hoped that wouldn't pop up.

That one word had been in my head for awhile now.

Why Elliana?

Why did you make so many mistakes?

Why did you think that would ever happen?

Why did you ever allow that to happen?

Why didn't you keep your promise?

All these questions swirled in my mind like a whirlpool.

"Ellie?" Holland looked at me curiously.

"Huh?" I snapped out of my thoughts.

"You zoned out when I asked you a question." Holland said, as her gaze went over my face checking for any emotion. "Why were you so depressed all that time ago?"

"Well let me tell you something, Holland. Love is an unexpected thing. Half of the time, you want to yell at them, hug and kiss them, or talk to them about anything and everything. I had that five years ago. Now, he's gone."


Please comment some of your feedback. It would mean a lot. Love all of you. :-)

Colton is portrayed by Sean O'Donnell ;-)


Out Of My League (Under Revision) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now