Kissing Scars

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Prompt: "Person A has scars on their back/shoulders (can be self harm, battle scars, etc.). One day A has their back exposed, and B hugs them from behind, kissing down A's back. When A asks what B is doing, B replies "no one has ever kissed them better before, so I'm doing it now.""


Jason was well aware of the fact that you knew who he was. You figured out he was Red Hood early on in your relationship, you always had this intuition about those things. He swears you're psychic. He has told you about his past and death, though he has yet to show you the scars that litter his back. The reminders from that cold night in the warehouse with him.

It was impossible for him to understand how considerate you were. You would never pressure him into showing you them, and never made him tell you anything about his death until he was ready. Whenever he needed to change, even if it were just his shirt, you'd give him the privacy he wanted. When you stay the night, you'd make sure his shirt hadn't ridden up in his sleep before looking at him.

Jason couldn't ask for anyone better.

However, he's getting tired of being scared about what reaction you'll have to his scars. Would you think they were disgusting and leave him? He wanted to ask you to move in with him soon, you wouldn't leave him for that...right?

From your position across the couch, you lifted your nose out of your book to see Jason staring at the coffee table, his open book laying in his lap. Obviously deep in thought. Extending your leg, you lightly nudged him. "Baby, what are you thinking about?"

Jason tore himself from his thoughts at the sound of your voice. Looking over, he saw a bit of worry in your expression. The way your brows were furrowed and gaze trailed on him, he could tell. "I'm okay doll." He rubbed your leg. "Just thinking about random things." He shrugged in the process of speaking.

Nodding you scooted closer to him. Wrapping your arms around his neck and looking in his eyes. "You can tell me anything okay? Whenever you're ready. I'll be here waiting."

That allowed a gentle smile, a smile you love so much, to appear on his lips. Sighing he leaned forward and captured your lips in a sweet, short kiss. "Can I stay here tonight? I'm not ready to go to an empty apartment."

With a smile, you nodded. "I think there are some leftover clothes here if you need them. But like always, of course you can."

With a grin he captured your lips again. Thoroughly enjoying your presence as you both went back to reading until it was time for dinner and then bed. Wrapping the night up with pillowtalk and encased in your boyfriend's arms.

The next morning, you woke up first. Turning on your side to face Jason as he was still fast asleep. With a content sigh, your eyes fluttered open to see his still closed, though something was different. There wasn't the collar of a t-shirt around his neck.

Your eyes caught the sight of his shirt on the floor before following down his back, to where the sheets pooled at his waist. You'd never even felt him move to take his shirt off that night.

Though, your gaze immediately fell on the scars that litter his skin. Lightly, your fingers trailed up to gently graze the raised skin. Deciding not to get carried away, you slipped out of bed and got up to make coffee. Thinking about the scars and the pain he went through to have earned them.

The smell of the coffee was enough to stir Jason awake. He groggily pushed off his pillow to see your space next to him empty. Exhaling he pushed off the bed and stood. His bare feet felt cold against the hardwood surface.

Though before he could make it out of the bedroom, you appeared in the doorway with a cup of coffee for him. Arm extended for him to take it.

Smiling he took the mug and walked over to the dresser while taking a sip. "Thank you babe"

You hummed while your eyes trailed his scarred back as he searched your dresser for his leftover clothes.

Silently, you walked up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist. At first you simply pressed your cheek to his bare back before beginning to place gentle, featherlike kisses over each and every scar down his back.

He sighed in relief at the feeling of your lips landing on his rough, raised skin. "Doll, what are you doing?" Asking as his fingers laced with yours.

Smiling against his spine, you answered. "No one has ever kissed them better before, so I'm doing it now." Fingers delicately tracing over a scar while the words left your mouth. However, in the rush of love Jason felt, he spun around and immediately pressed his lips to yours. All honesty, you were not expecting it. But that didn't stop you from reciprocating. Hands slipping up his neck to lightly scratch the back of his neck and feel his thick black hair between your fingers.

After a few seconds he pulled away, but not far enough for your hands to let go of the back of his neck. He was panting a little before finally dropping the question he was most scared of. "You're not gonna leave because of them?"

Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "Jason, don't be ridiculous. I'd never leave you because you have scars. They're a part of you" you cupped his face, "and I love all of you."

He gently leaned into your touch. "I love you"

Smiling you lightly pressed your lips to his cheek. "And I love you, no scar or wound will ever change that. Not for as long as my heart beats for you."

Jason Todd (Red Hood) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now