It's A Date

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Just a fun New Year's fic!


Why you decided to go out on New Year's with your friends was a mystery to you. You didn't party often but here you are, post your fourth drink and trying to track down your friends after getting a bottle of water. Though something, or someone, else caught your eye.

In the corner of the club there was a man who had to be at least six ft. He wore a leather jacket and his messy black hair adorned a white streak in the front. He held a beer in one hand while leaning against the wall. Normally you wouldn't just walk right up to a man that handsome and flirt, it just wasn't in your nature, but the four drinks in your system were currently directing you otherwise.

So, you fluffed out your hair, adjusted your top, and waltzed right up to him.

The man noticed you when you were a few feet away from him. He took a sip from his beer as he looked you up and down. "Hi there" You smiled and leaned against the wall beside him. He nodded to you, eyeing the bottle of water in your hand. Giggling you held it up. "Gotta be smart."

He chuckled and nodded, "Yeah I should probably get some water after this one." You smiled and looked around. "You seem like your out of your element. You don't don't give off the vibe of being a club guy." Biting your lip, you looked up at him.

His eyebrows seemed to scrunch together as he examined you, a smirk pulling at your lips. "You're an observant girl. No my friend pulled me out here to 'get smashed' for New Year's but his girlfriend called and now he's with her."

"Ahh" You nodded and took a sip of your water. "My friends dragged me out and I think all of them are currently making out with people."

Jason laughed as he watched you. "Looks like both of us are out of our element." Grinning you shrugged, "I mean I'm having fun.. now. I'm [F/n] by the way." "Jason" He introduced himself. "That's a hot name." Your grin turned into a smirk and he couldn't help but look at you with an amused smile.

Biting your lip while smiling, you shrugged at him.

He took the last sip of his beer and set it aside. "You wanna dance?"

You grinned at him and set down your water. "I thought you'd never ask." Saying before you took his hand and pulled him out to the dance floor.

Throughout the rest of the night you laughed and danced with Jason. Smiling whenever he'd smile or laugh at something you'd done.

After about an hour you both were sitting in a booth. You were leaning your head against his shoulder and laughing at something he said. Both working on water while catching your breath from all the dancing.

You weren't even aware it was near midnight until the entire club started counting down. Laughing you sat up on your knees and started yelling the countdown.

After yelling '1' you cheered before falling back and landing in Jason's lap. He was laughing as his arms wrapped around you. Both of you fell silent when your eyes met. He was looking at you with what almost seemed like admiration.

You smiled and gently began to lean your face closer to his as he started to do the same. A smile pulled at your lips as his met yours. A hand ran through Jason's hair as your other one held his shoulder. The kiss was surprisingly not very heated but passionate instead. He took your breath away before you had to pull away to catch it.

Your forehead pressed to his as you caught your breath. "That might be the best New Year's kiss I've ever had." Jason smiled and rubbed your leg. "Glad I could live up to your expectations."

Laughing you shook your head and met his eyes again. Before he could react you pecked his lips again. Jason smiled at how fast you kissed him. "So, how about we start New Year's off right?" Your eyebrow cocked up, "No offense but I don't just sleep with guys I don't know."

"No no" Jason chuckled and shook his head. "I was actually going to ask you out to dinner."

"Oh!" You blushed and hid your face in his neck. "Oh god I'm so sorry." He laughed and shook his head. "Don't worry about it, you can make it up to me though by accepting my date offer though."

You smiled and laughed. "Sounds like the perfect way to start off the New Year."

"It's a date then."

Jason Todd (Red Hood) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now