Little Secret

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Tumblr Prompt: "Could you do one with Jason where he wants to teach his s/o to defend herself in case of an emergency and when they start she's really good and she tells him she's a vigilante"

[S/h/n] - Superhero Name


The Batfamily is a family used to keeping secrets. Now being kept from secrets was another story. Something none of them could stand. So, when a new hero made her way into Gotham, they were not exactly happy. They knew nothing about her but a single name, [S/h/n]. Before they could catch up to her she would disappear without a trace.

For some reason she took a certain liking to Jason, something they couldn't really explain. Except for the fact that she liked to flirt and tease him. Not that Jason would give in to the unknown woman. He has you back at home, the love of his life. Why would he even think about this woman?

It was a nice thing to know for you. And you know this because you are [S/h/n]. It was your little secret that even Jason didn't know about, it was a bit of fun for you. Getting to help people but also watch your boyfriend do the same. Not that he knew you were watching.

You also know that they don't know really anything about who you are. Gaining this knowledge from Jason's many rants.

He constantly talked about how [S/h/n] would vanish into thin air. How she dodges every bullet and punch like she can see ten steps ahead. Her abilities reminding them of Cass'. Or more your abilities. You had been trained in a monastery in the Himalayas since you were a child. You're home was originally Gotham but your family went on a trip, but while there your parents died from a foreign disease. The monastery took you in, became your family. Having learned to fight there and be one with oneself.

Now, Jason and everyone knew about your past home but not about the training you endured. You left the day you turned 18, returning to your home of Gotham you got a job teaching Kung Fu at a dojo. Surprisingly getting paid handsomely. You hoped that him knowing you could fight would make him not worry about you.

But that wasn't quite what happened.

You were sitting cross legged, meditating, on the floor in the living room of your shared apartment. Having the coffee table pushed aside. Deep in meditation you weren't paying attention to much of your surroundings. Letting out a deep breath, feeling yourself fall further into a state of peace. However, it was soon cut short.

Taking another deep breath, it was cut off halfway through by the sound of your bedroom window slamming. Hearing Jason's footsteps, or more appropriately frustrated stomps, coming into the apartment. "I can't fucking believe it. It happened again, it happened fucking again!"

Letting out your breath which turned into more of a huff. "What happened tonight? Get evaded by [S/h/n] again?" Eyes still closed and legs still crossed.

"No not tonight, but we busted 2 more drug shipments. And saved more people from being sold into human trafficking. That's the third human trafficking bust this week!" He was pacing around the living room.

Giving up on your meditation, you turned to face him, pulling your legs to your chest. "Jay, you're doing everything you can. You need to get some rest and relax." He stopped pacing and looked at you. "I know, I just can't help but think about you when I'm out there. That I don't want any of those things to happen to you." running a hand through his hair.

Your expression softened, standing up you walked over to him. "Jay you don't have to worry about me. I can handle myself." Wrapping your arms around his waist, locking your hands behind his back. Taking your face in his hands, smiling and closing your eyes while leaning into his touch.

Jason Todd (Red Hood) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now