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Tumblr Request: "Could you do one where Jason and reader were best friends when he was robin and them reuniting after he comes back to life"

There's a large portion in italics that's a flashback.


A sigh escaped your lips as you walked down the cold Gotham street. Your hands were shoved deep in your jacket pockets as you watched your breath form in front of you. Walking the streets was a habit when sleep didn't come to you. The streets didn't scare you the way they do most. You've been trained to defend yourself by the big bad bat himself. How? Well Jason Todd was your best friend when he was Robin. That was until the Joker took him from you, from life.

A lot of times you'd remember favorite memories with Jason on these walks, like when you first met. Your childhood apartment had a balcony and often times you'd sneak out there at night to look at the city. Though it was a surprise when Robin landed on your balcony with a thud one night.

You smiled at the memory. The way he laughed at the way you yelped, but apologized after. Explaining how he had misjudged the distance of a jump and came tumbling onto your balcony. Little did you know at the time, you would learn his identity and become the best of friends. Also that you would end up learning some hand to hand from the big bad bat himself. Saying having learned who they were, you should know how to protect yourself.

Internally you thank them for that, it makes you not scared to walk the streets at night. "Oh Jason" muttering as your steps stay in their rhythm. It's not often you don't feel the pain of missing your best friend. He was so very important in your life, he always knew what you were thinking and you him. No matter what the problem he had your back, so many people thought you were bound to be a couple. Often you both would laugh at the idea, though now being older it didn't sound so silly.

Another sigh escaped your lips as you continued to walk, rounding the last corner that led to you apartment. This time a different memory came to your mind. Before Jason had went to that warehouse, he came to you first. You remember is like it was just the other day:

Laying in bed you flipped the page of a new book you had gotten. It had you completely enthralled and your attention until a light knock came from your window. Setting it down you opened the curtains to see Jason smiling at you in his Robin uniform.

Pushing the window open you asked, "What are you doing here?" He easily slipped in the window. "[F/n] I think my mother's alive." Your eyes widened at the statement, "What makes you say that?"

"I got this tip that she's in Ethiopia, but [F/n] this is my real mother. I guess I was adopted, I have to go find her." He said with a hopeful tone to his voice. You knew of his past and the hardships he's endured. "But Jason, what if this is a trap? A lot of people want to hurt you, how can you be sure?" Trying to reason with the idea only made him angry with you. "I thought you of all people would support me on this." He grumbled while pushing past you to go back to the open window.

"Jason wait" Grabbing his hand you stopped him. "I do support you I just worry too, you're my best friend, I don't want anything to happen to you." His demeanor slackened. "I know, and nothing is going to happen. I'll be back, I promise." Saying as he pulled you in for a hug, though he seemed to linger a bit before pulling away and heading out the window. "Stay safe Jason"

That hug was the last memory you had of him. The next thing you remember involving Jason was Dick coming to you to explain to you what happened. After that everything got a lot harder. At school people treated you like glass, at home you didn't leave your room.

Jason Todd (Red Hood) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now