Day Full Of Surprises

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'twas for Jaybird's birthday! <33


Quietly you snuck through the front door of your shared apartment. You'd been gone for about a month on a mission with Dick and weren't supposed to get back this soon. Though, the both of you worked your tails off and were able to take down a huge drug trafficking ring in time for you to make it home for Jason's birthday.

He knew and understood this mission was unavoidable and supported you in taking it. But he was a bit disheartened that you wouldn't be around for his birthday. Honestly, you were the reason his birthdays felt special again. You always made such a big deal about it, always planning him parties and presents. It showed him even more so how much you cared about him.

You knew he felt this way and it made excitement bubble in your chest as you carefully set your bags down in the hallway. Sneaking into the bedroom to see him passed out under the covers. He was sprawled out, taking up the entire bed. Suppressing a laugh you tiptoed into the room and sat next to him on the bed. Carefully running your fingers through his hair, nails lightly grazing his scalp. Something you knew he always liked.

He slowly began to stir. A groan escaping his lips. You smiled and kissed his head, "Good morning birthday boy" your voice soft. Hearing your voice he woke up immediately, his eyes opening groggily, "[F/n]?" He rubbed his eyes as if you were a dream. Vision clearing he saw you sitting there, a smile on your features.

"[F/n]!" He grinned and shot to sit up. "What are you doing here?"

You chuckled, "We got done early and I wanted to surprise you." You leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lip. Smiling you mumbled, "Surprise!" He chuckled before pulling you against him and flipping over so you were underneath him as he kissed you. "I missed you so much" He pulled away to look at you. Sighing happily, you ran your fingers through his hair, "I missed you too. I'm sorry I almost missed your birthday." He shook his head, "Don't be. You're here and I couldn't ask for a better present."

Smiling you pulled his lips back to yours. You looked up at him lovingly, his hand cupped your cheek and his thumb traced under your eye, taking note of the dark circles that had formed. "You look exhausted." He commented while looking into your eyes, moving to where he could pull you into his chest. Nodding you nuzzled into him. "I haven't gotten a full night sleep all month."

Running his fingers through your hair, he said. "How about we go back to bed? It is my birthday after all." He grinned and you chuckled. "I think I can accommodate that." Feeling him pull you closer to him. Right then Jason realised how much he missed the feeling of you in his arms. Easily he fell back asleep, the both of you getting the best sleep you both had since you left.

After sleeping for a few hours, you both woke up together. Following getting ready you took him out for brunch to wherever he wanted. Saying it was your treat and his birthday so he wasn't going to pay for anything. He tried a few times but you didn't allow it, making the waitress laugh. Next you took him to his favorite places in Gotham and the both of you just spent time together. It had been so long since you both just had time like this together.

Where you'd hug his arm as you walked through the park, or how he'd wrap his arm around you in public, crowded, places to make sure he didn't lose you.

To Jason, this was honestly the best present he could've gotten. Just you being with him and loving him. It's all he wanted, all he's ever wanted. So he decided he wanted to do something he'd been planning earlier than scheduled.

You both were supposed to head to the manor but instead Jason decided just to lay with you in the park. The grass was green and soft. In this moment it was hard to believe you both were still in Gotham. Your head lay on his chest as you both just watched the sky. There was a comfortable silence before Jason broke it, "Hey [F/n], want to know what would make this birthday even better?"

You peeked up at him with your chin resting on his chest. "What?" Asking curiously.

"If you said 'yes'." Your brows furrowed in confusion. "Yes to what?"

He smiled before digging in his pocket, pulling out a black velvet box. "Yes to this." He flicked the box open, showing a beautiful engagement ring. You sat up immediately, "Jason are you asking me too..?"

He nodded, "Yes." Instantaneously you leaped forward, wrapping your arms around his neck, "That's my line" you chuckled before kissing him. He happily kissed you back before sliding the ring on your finger. You grinned and kissed him again, "I wasn't planning on asking today, but the moment just felt too perfect." He confessed, making you smile ear to ear.

"Well, I think it was just the right moment." Beaming as you looked into his eyes. "I love you Jason. Happy birthday."

He kissed the back of your hand that had the ring on it before answering, "I love you too."

Jason Todd (Red Hood) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now