The Promotion

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Tumblr Request: "Jason helps his so with their sexist boss. Please. I love your writing!"


You growled while the door to your apartment slammed behind you. It's been a long day...scratch that, it's been a long week. Kicking off your shoes and dropping your bag, you headed into the kitchen, thinking about how much of a sexist dick your new boss was.

Jason was in the kitchen cooking dinner, and you didn't even register him talking to you due to your thoughts and your goal of the bottle of whiskey on the counter. You grabbed a shot glass, filled it, then threw it back. The golden liquid burning down your throat. Finally, you looked at Jason, his eyebrow was cocked up at you and his mouth slightly agape. "Rough day?"

"What gave it away?" You walked over to see what he was making. Tacos, beautiful. Grabbing the fork Jason was using, you checked the beef before eating a forkful of it. "You wanna talk about it?" Jason moved the bottle back to its place and put your glass in the sink.

"Not really" You sighed and set the fork back down.

"You've been agitated all week. Tell me what's going on doll." He walked over and caught your chin to make you look at him. It's true, you've been avoiding this conversation all week. Jason's a very protective man, and to hear your boss is treating you poorly, you knew he'd step in.

"It's really not a problem Jace. I can handle it."

He sighed and stroked your cheek. "I'm worried about you, I don't like you coming home so tense. What is different this past week?"

You finally met his eyes and sighed. His eyes could always melt through your resolve. "It's our new manager. The other one got promoted last week, this new guy was brought in from another division. He's a sexist asshole."

Jason frowned, "How do you mean?"

You pulled out of his grip and went to stir the meat so it wouldn't burn. "He treats me like I'm there to tend to his every whim, not his assistant manager. Tuesday he said that all the other female workers and I have to wear skirts and heels from now on. If not we get fired. Not to mention he stares at me like I'm a piece of meat."

Jason's jaw set as his crossed his arms. "Is that why you bought all those new work clothes?" You nodded and he came up next to you. "Has he tried to touch you at all?"

"He grabbed my ass on the first day. Earned himself a slap to the face and he hasn't tried again since."

His arms tensed and you looked over at him. "Jason" you put your hand on his arms, making him uncross them. You wrapped your arms around his waist and looked up at him. "I'm okay, I promise. I can handle this."

"But, this isn't something you should have to deal with. It's 2019, you have rights." He rubbed your side and looked down at you. "I know baby, it'll be okay. Let's forget about it for now, I don't want to think about work."

Jason reluctantly nodded and moved away from you to take the meat off the stove while you set the table.

Later that night, Jason was out on patrol. Tim had given him the name of your boss, and he decided to pay him a visit. The man was walking home from a bar when Jason dropped down in front of him. The man jumped back as he stared at the vigilante in front of him.

Jason lifted his gun and pointed it at him. "You are going to go into work tomorrow and resign or transfer out of your job and you're going to learn to respect women. If I hear another word about you mistreating women, I will track you down and put a round in your head. Understand me?"

The man nodded and hurriedly stumbled away when Jason put his gun away.

The next day, Jason waited patiently for you to come home. When you did, you were noticeably happier and caught him as soon as you came in. Your wrapped your arms around his neck. "What'd you do?"

He chuckled, "What are you talking about?"

"My boss today resigned and apologized to every woman in the office for his behavior." You poked his chest. "What'd you do?"

He laughed, "Nothing. I did nothing."

"Mhm" You hummed before kissing him. "Let's celebrate." Jason smiled and tilted his head. "His resignation?"

"Nope" You shook your head, biting your lip. "My promotion."

Jason Todd (Red Hood) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now