The Red Hood & The Teacher

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Tumblr Request: "Red Hood gets thrown into a building. It's a preschool classroom. He has choice words. Villain or whoever he's been fighting pops in. More choice words. The young and pretty teacher is not having any of this bullshit today. Tougher than she looks. Jason thinks he may be in love. Keeps running into her. She's kind, funny, witty, and weird. Realizes he is most definitely in love."


It was a normal day in your classroom. You were walking around the small tables as your students did their craft project you had assigned. Occasionally pausing to help one of the kids or tell them how good of a job they were doing.

The front of the classroom was filled with chatter from the three and four year-olds. The back of the classroom with the play area was empty aside from a few dinosaur toys scattered around and a couple block structures left there from before class had begun.

Walking past one of the tables you heard the students discussing who was better; Red Hood or Nightwing? You chuckled while continuing on your way, back now to the play area.

Not a few seconds later a loud crash was heard behind you, all the kids shrieked and ran to the front of the classroom. Spinning around you were met with the sight of The Red Hood currently groaning in a pile of stuffed animals and building blocks, not to mention a now man-sized dent in your classroom wall. He was cursing under his breath some not so appropriate words for a preschool setting.

"It's Red Hood!" One of the kids shouted and pointed at him.

He picked his head up, now seeing the kids huddled against the wall with you protectively standing in front of them. "Aw fu–"

"Language!" You pointed at him and Jason was shocked at your quick response. All of the kids behind you giggled. Jason's eyebrow quirked under his helmet as he examined the young teacher in front of him. You had to be around the same age as him, and he had to admit you were gorgeous. Even though you were currently glaring daggers at him.

"Sorry Miss–OH FUCK!" He yelled as Killer Croc came crashing in after him.

The kids shrieked again and now you've had enough. "EXCUSE ME!" You yelled at the vigilante and villain currently fighting in your classroom. Red Hood was holding back Croc's jaws that were currently a few inches from his face. They both looked at you not moving from their position.

"This is a classroom, now if you would please take your fighting out of it, I would appreciate it if you stopped scaring my students."

They now glanced back at the kids huddled behind you, a little more curious than scared now. Croc got off of Red Hood and threw him against a wall before stalking toward you. Taking a few steps the edge of your desk hit your butt. When he was a foot away from you Croc opened his jaws like he was about to attack you but he was soon greeted with a baseball bat to the side of his head.

You had kept one behind your desk and were able to grab it before Croc even had a chance to do anything. The wooden bat broke over his head and disoriented him enough for Red Hood to finish the job with a taser to his back.

Croc fell with a thud and there was a silence before all the kids behind you started cheering. "Yay Miss [F/n]!" "Our teacher is a superhero!!" "BEST DAY EVER!"

"Uhhh" The Red Hood stood in front of you stunned. "Thanks for the assist I guess?" He chuckled and you smiled sheepishly. "Um no problem."

Soon the principal came running into the classroom to see it completely trashed. Red Hood and Killer Croc were gone as you were checking the kids for any injuries. "What happened here?!"

Jason Todd (Red Hood) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now