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Tumblr Request: "Jason x reader where the reader asks Jason to train her and he's hesitant because he doesn't want her to be a superhero/vigilante"

Warning: Attempted assault


Perhaps this wasn't your smartest decision. You had to work the night shift at your job tonight. Meaning you were going to have walk home at night, which was not a good idea. You could call Jason but your apartment was what 2 or 3 blocks away? You could make it.. right?

Wrong, you walked down the dark street. Only illuminated by the grimy street lamps. Walking quickly trying to get off these streets as soon as possible. Thinking of the lecture Jason would be giving you right now if he knew you were out on your own this late.

Apartment being only a block away you were beginning to feel a bit of relief. But it soon flushed away upon hearing two pairs of footsteps form behind you. Slowly glancing over your shoulder, finding two men eyeing you as you walked. Sadistic smirks showing their yellow teeth.

Your pace unconsciously sped up. "Hey sweetie, where are you going?" feeling a hand grip your wrist. "Let go of me!" trying to pull your arm away. But he only pulled you to him. Wrapping one arm around you and covering your mouth with his other hand

Trying to scream but only finding it muffled. Kicking and thrashing in his grip, however he held you tight. Throwing you to the ground. His buddy pinned your ankles as he kept your arms pinned and mouth covered. Struggling against his grip. He chuckled deeply, "I like'em feisty" his face right over yours.

Using the close distance, you headbutted him. Causing him to recoil, his hand slipping from your mouth. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!" Screaming at the top of your lungs. "Shut up bitch" he punched you in the face before forcing one of his gloves in your mouth.

"I'm going to have fun with this" His hand trailed down your chest before reaching the hem of your shirt, beginning to pull it up. Closing your eyes trying to keep the tears back, your scream muffled by the glove.

But your eyes shot open when you felt the pressure of the men leave you and hearing grunts. Seeing the men getting their asses kicked by none other than the Red Hood himself.

Pulling the glove from your mouth, a sob escaping your throat. Hearing that Jason knocked the two out before running over to you.

"Are you alright [F/n]? They didn't hurt you did they?" His voice filled with concern. "I-I'm okay. Thank you"

"You're still going to the hospital, police are on their way. Once they get here I'll meet you there" he spoke softly cupping your cheeks in his gloved hands, careful to keep it calming. Nodding before you felt him pull you into a hug. He petted your hair as you gripped his jacket.

When the police got there you were taken to the hospital and as promised Jason was there as soon as you got there. Though out of uniform.

He sat with you the entire time and took you home once the doctors discharged you.

Getting back to your apartment, he didn't ask any questions. Just got into bed with you and held you protectively. Knowing you didn't need a lecture right now.

The next morning Jason was up before you. Waking up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. Feeling a pain in your eye, remembering the black eye you sustained last night.

Walking out of your room to find him making plates in the kitchen. He noticed you come in, "Morning babe" setting down the pan and coming to meet you.

"Good morning" not sounding as chipper as you usually do in the mornings. He gently brushed his thumb over your bruised eye. "It's ugly" you muttered hiding your face from him.

Hooking his finger under your chin he lead your eyes to his. Shaking his head, "No, you're as beautiful as you always are. And I wish I could rock a black eye the way you can" a smirk playing on his lips. Giggling you shook your head. He always knows how to help you feel better.

He quickly pecked your lips before returning to the counter to grab the two plates of food.

While you ate, not being able to help but think about what had happened to you. How if Jason hadn't have been there, god knows what would've happen. Maybe it was time you learned how to defend yourself.

Jason noticed your deep thought while washing dishes, "Penny for your thoughts"

Bringing you back to reality you looked at him. Brows still furrowed as you were thinking. "What's up?" he asked putting the sponge down. Giving you his undivided attention.

"Jay will you train me?"

His eyes widened in shock. "What?"

"Will you teach me to fight?" sternly asking again


"So I can defend myself from situations like last night. It was too close Jay, if you hadn't been there.." Trailing off, realization fully hitting you. Tears welling in your eyes. Noticing he immediately hugged you tightly.

He knows you're right, but he doesn't want you falling into vigilantism. If you got hurt by becoming a hero, he couldn't live with himself. Sighing he said, "Sure but I have some conditions."

Pulling away you nodded as he began to list them. "First and foremost, we don't start until you heal. Physically and mentally. I want you to go to a therapist to make sure you don't end up developing PTSD or anything. Finally it's only for self defense, if you even look at a mask" his eyes bore into yours.


A couple weeks after it happened Jason began to train you. Whether it be at the gym or the cave. It's safe to say he's turning you into a badass.

Though when you started to be into it and handling yourself. He would only have to watch to make sure your form was right. But this was causing him a dilemma.

Watching you train was a major turn on he didn't know he had. Like whoa, he always thinks you're attractive, but damn.

You were currently training on the punching bag in the cave. Punching and kicking with force and accuracy. You're learning quickly. When you stopped for a breather you turned to see Jason staring at you.

"My eyes are up here Mr. Todd" chuckling as he met your eyes. Standing he walked over to you.

"I have another condition to add" he suddenly stated wrapping his arms around your waist. "And what would that be?" cocking an eyebrow suspiciously.

"We make our cool down a duet and move it to a certain room where we sleep and do other things" he described as you caught on. Noticing the passion in his eyes.

"Oh I see, and would you like to do that now?" Mischief in your tone. He vigorously nodded his head. Connecting his lips to yours.

"Not in this house you are" a voice caused you both to freeze, an embarrassed blush flushing both of your faces.


Jason Todd (Red Hood) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now