Acrobat's Sister [Pt. 1 to Blessing]

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Tumblr Request: "Could you do one where reader is dick's sister but didn't get adopted by Bruce when dick did and they are reunited when Jason introduces her to the rest of the batfam as his girlfriend"


Your life hasn't always been the greatest. You love being in the circus but after losing your parents everything just felt dark. Your parents and brother were the acrobat trio 'The Flying Graysons.' You on the other hand weren't one for acrobatics. Yes, your family taught you some techniques but you were always more interested in the animals. Especially the lions. And they in turn were quite fond of you.

It's not like you have a superpower with animals or anything, you're just good with them. So instead of training to be an acrobat, you became the youngest lion tamer in the circus world. The lions treated and still treat you as one of their own, thinking of you as superior even though lion prides don't really have a leader.

After losing your parents you became very withdrawn and what didn't help was when Dick was adopted after your parents funeral. It was a closed adoption meaning you have no idea where he went. Making you not only grieve your parents but your brother as well. He didn't call or write so it felt like he fell off that trapeze as too. Your last name didn't help much either, "Grayson" was well known in the circus world, whenever people heard your last name they immediately questioned you about the loss of your parents. Making the grieving process that much harder. Eventually you couldn't take anymore of that reminder and changed your last name, becoming [F/n] [L/n] instead of [F/n] Grayson. Not that you aren't proud of your heritage, it was just becoming emotionally and mentally unhealthy for you.

You always seemed to be in some sort of slump, even after it being so many years. Around 15 years since it all happened, Dick has to be 25 now. 14 years you had trouble being happy, but this last year, things changed.

You met Jason one year ago, he saved you as Red Hood from a gang that targeted the circus. They attacked during your act and Red Hood protected you as he and Arsenal took out the gang members. You actually ended up saving him as well, the lions thought he was a threat to you and one of them managed to claw him in the leg before you could calm them down.

Later the next day he came to you as Jason Todd and you recognized the wound. He used the excuse of a motorcycle accident but you'd know an injury like that anywhere. God knows you've had a few.

Jason came clean to you about a month into your relationship, knowing you'd already figured it out. You weren't mad, in fact you found it cute. Just like how he was being now.

"Come on" he whined pulling you onto his lap. You giggled, "If we're going to be on time for me to meet your family, you have to let me go shower." Pecking his lips. His arms wrapped around your waist tighter, "We can be late" digging his face in your neck.

You unwrapped his arms, "No we can't, you know how I am about first impressions" turning to him once you were standing. He threw his head back groaning, head resting on the back of the couch. Laughing you walked around behind the couch and looked down at him, "You're a child." Playing with the ends of his hair. "But you love me" he grinned up at you. Pecking his lips you responded "That I do" before pulling away and going to get ready.

Jason watched as you went to the bathroom in his apartment. Once you were through the door he stood up and picked up his phone. Sliding out of the window, onto the fire escape. He pulled out his phone and dialed Alfred.

He listened to it ring until Alfred answered, "Hello Master Jason, of what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Hey Alfred, I was curious of how things are at the manor. I just want to make sure everything will be okay for tonight." Jason asked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

Jason Todd (Red Hood) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now