That Time of The Year

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This was a christmas special!

[D/n] - Daughter's Name


It wasn't something abnormal for Jason, getting called away for a quick mission with the Outlaws. Normally never exceeding two days. They're week to month long missions soon became a thing of the past for Jason when you and him had your daughter. He didn't want to miss anything with the little bubbly girl the both of you now had.

But, there was nothing better than when he stepped foot through the door and the only thing he could register was a mess of black curls before the small girl jumped into his arms. He loved it when he came home. She'd leap into his arms cheering how daddy was home and squeeze him as hard as her little arms could. How she'd talk his ear off until you came to meet him too and she'd calm down a bit.

Though this time, he stepped through the door and nothing. No mess of black hair or the shine of eyes that matched yours. No greeting at all. "[F/n]? [D/n]? I'm home"

The only thing he heard were small giggles from the kitchen. Raising an eyebrow he walked through the hallway, noticing the few Christmas decorations that had been put up. Though there were still a lot in boxes that were all over the living room.

Going around the couch he went into the kitchen and saw you leaning on your arms against the island counter. You were facing him but your daughter was on a stool with her back turned. Playing with something on the surface in front of her.

Jason looked around and noticed many trays of Christmas cookies. Some were beautifully decorated, which were obviously yours. Others were more abstract with sprinkles and frosting unevenly coating them. The obvious work of a six year old.

Gazing at you he saw your eyes flicker to him. "Oh, hey babe. Didn't hear you come in." Standing up and moving to go kiss his cheek. [D/n] spun around on the stool. "Daddy!!" She cheered. Jason could now see the flour and frosting all over her hands and clothes.

"Whoa, it's a baking monster." He chuckled and your daughter just giggled harder. "No Daddy! It's me! Me and mommy made christmas cookies!" She held up a christmas tree shaped cookie, but it had red frosting all over it.

Jason chuckled and walked over to her with you still by his side. "I see that, they look delicious sweetpea."

You smiled and chuckled, "We've spent the whole day getting ready for Santa." Jason smiled at your statement and held you a bit tighter. [D/n] nodded, "Mhm! I've been super nice daddy!"

"Have you now? Well, I guess I'll have to call Santa myself and make sure he knows."

Your daughter simply squealed before turning back to her many cookies she was decorating. Though she had a special cookie just for Jason she had forgotten about. Luckily, you were there to remind her. "Hey sweetheart, why don't you give daddy the special cookie you made for him."

A large grin spread on her face and she climbed down off the stool and ran to the dining table. She looked over the cookies before picking one up and ran back over to you both. Jason knelt down and chuckled as she handed over a cookies with red frosting all over it. "It's you daddy!" She cheered.

The cookie handed to him slightly resembled his Red Hood helmet. It was messy and almost unrecognizable. But as a father, Jason knew exactly what it was. "Wow pumpkin, you did this all by yourself?"

She grinned and nodded proudly. "Mama helped a little."

You smiled and kissed her forehead after pushing back her bangs. "That's right, but you did all the decorating right?" She nodded "Right!"

Jason smiled before she started to cheer, "Try it daddy! Try it!" Laughing he took a bite before letting out an exaggerated hum of satisfaction. "That is the best cookie I've ever eaten." [D/n] grinned and took the cookie, taking a bite for herself, making you both laugh again. She finished off the cookie before licking the frosting from her fingers.

"Okay" You caught her attention. "How about you pick out some pjs and we'll get you ready for a bath?" She giggled before nodding and running to her bedroom.

When she was gone Jason wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him. He smiled down at you as your chin rested on his chest. Eyes gazing into his. "Red Hood cookie huh?" You chuckled and nodded "All her idea."

Jason grinned before sighing "I missed you guys." Your arms wrapped around him tighter and your nose nuzzled in his chest. "We missed you too. But now you're home and we can get ready for Christmas. We still need a tree ya know." Nudging his side a bit.

He nodded as the thoughts and memories of past Christmas trees flashed in his mind. You were too occupied watching him think to notice [D/n] having come back and pushing a stool behind you. Before you knew it she had climbed up, her giggles catching both your attention. "What are you doing silly?" Jason asked.

His question was soon answered when she held out a mistletoe between you both. Your jaw dropped as you looked at her. "How do you know what that's for?"

She giggled harder "Uncle Dick gave it to me!"

You simply chuckled and shook your head before looking at Jason who was doing the same. Happily you leaned up and kissed him. Which he more than happily returned. But right after he quickly snatched up your daughter and the mistletoe. Holding it over her head as you both kissed her cheeks and she squealed before wiggling out of your arms and running away with Jason chasing her.

Leaving you to watch as he chased her, hearing the laughs from both of them echo through your home. Chuckling you shook your head again. Man do you love the holidays.

Jason Todd (Red Hood) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now