Apart Too Long

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[F/n] - First Name [R/m/n] - Roommate Name [Fd/n/1] - Friend Name 1 [Fd/n/2] - Friend Name 2


So right now, you're super lost. You and a few of your college friends were flying in from the west coast. Your parents invited them to join you home because a large celebration they were throwing. Saying it'd be fun for you to have some of your friends present.

Not that you wouldn't have anyone you knew there. Your boyfriend and his brothers would be there. A few of your friends from before college. Was your boyfriend mentioned yet? Of course Jason wouldn't leave you to be stuck, bored at a socialite party on your own.

He was always there to save you, dressed as the Red Hood or otherwise. If only he were here now, you and your friends are lost out of your minds in this airport. Why you didn't fly into the airport you know? Couldn't tell ya.

"Okay so how did we get lost there are signs everywhere?" Your roommate pointed to the many signs placed to avoid the situation you were in.

Each of you shrugged, "We're idiots?" looking at your friends. "Valid reasoning" your roommate chimed in again.

Continuing your adventure through the airport you finally came upon the baggage claim area you were looking for. Your luggage having been circling the belt for a good ten minutes.

Each grabbing your things. "So are your parents getting us?" [Fd/n/1] asked looking at her watch. Seeing you had taken a rather long while.

"Uh, yeah." You looked at your phone. "We're meeting them outside of terminal 1. Right now we're near terminal 2, it shouldn't take too long as long as we follow the signs this time" you laughed beginning to walk in the direction you were supposed to.

Not paying attention to your friends chatting behind you, but to the signs so you could get out of this godforsaken airport already. All you want is to get home, shower, and go out to dinner with Jason like he promised.

God, you can't wait to see him. With that stupid smirk he always wears. How you missed that stupid smirk. It was hard being so far away from him for so long. Though getting into this college was your dream and he has duties to Gotham he has to uphold. It was a mutual agreement, and when you finish college you'll be returning to Gotham to be with your vigilante.

"Whatcha thinking about [F/n]?" [Fd/n/2] asked coming up next to you. "Her smokin hot boyfriend probably" [R/m/n] commented behind you.

"Oh yeah, you're the only one of us whose gotten to meet him. Jason's his name right?" [Fd/n/1] asked curiosity peaking.

"That's the one" Your roommate commented. Chuckling to yourself while looking for the car your parents said they were driving. Though while finding it you saw a familiar motorcycle parked behind it, with a familiar figure leaning against it.

"Oh my god" you smiled before running over to the sight. "JAYBIRD!" your yelling catching his attention, he smiled and stood up straight. Doing it in enough time to catch you when you jumped at him. "Hey beautiful" he commented, his voice making you smile wider as your face was buried in his shoulder and your legs wrapped around his waist.

Setting you down while simultaneously attacking your lips. "I missed you" he smiled against your mouth. Giggling you pulled away, his arms still wrapped around your waist. Resting his forehead to yours and nuzzling his nose to yours, making another giggle escape your throat.

Escaping from him you greeted your mother and father, your siblings not being present. Getting into a conversation with them and Jason as your two friends stared at your tall, ruggedly handsome boyfriend. [R/m/n] laughing at their expressions.

"[F/n] you have some introductions don't you" Your mother gestured to your friends. "Oh right sorry. You guys know my parents, but [Fd/n/1], [Fd/n/2] this is my boyfriend Jason. Jay this is [Fd/n/1], [Fd/n/2], and you remember [R/m/n]" introducing them all.

"Yes I do good to see you again. And it's nice to meet the both of you" He smiled at them while wrapping an arm around your waist.

Though the chat was cut short when a traffic officer began to tell your parents they had to move their car. They nodded, your friends climbed into the SUV but you slipped away and joined Jason on his motorcycle.

"Did she just ditch us?" [Fd/n/1] laughed looking out the window. Your roommate chuckled, "Well they haven't seen each other in months you can't really blame them. We're probably just going to rest anyways, so let them have some one on one time." she shrugged and the others nodded. Your parents smiling, happy that you had such great and understanding friends.

Arms wrapped around Jason's waist you snuggled into his back. Taking in the scent of his leather jacket. He smiled feeling your nose in his back and your arms around his waist. He loves you so much and he's so happy to have you back for these couple weeks. Speeding up the motorcycle he felt your grip tighten and laugh bubbled from your throat.

You both ended up at the manor. Your siblings would still be in school now anyways, so might as well see the Waynes. When Jason brought you up to the door, Alfred was there to answer and pulled you in for a hug. The family loved you about as much as Jason.

Coming in the entire family was there to greet you. Asking questions about school and the beautiful weather on the west coast. It took too long to escape into Jason's room where you could be alone.

Upon finally getting there, he immediately pulled you into another kiss. Feeling every bit of passion and love behind it, matching it when kissing him in return. "You have no idea how much I've missed you" he pulled you to lay on the bed next to him.

"I don't know I think I have a pretty good idea because I missed you more probably" Grinning at him. Smirking he shifted so he was hovering over you, "I think that's impossible" furrowing his brows at you.

"Oh yeah?" laughing while poking the crease between his eyebrows. "Yeah" he said leaning so he could kiss you again, this time lightly. "I.. Missed you.. More than.. Narcissus would.. Miss his mirror" he said kissing you between the words. Laughing at the Greek mythology reference.

"You're such a nerd" you chuckled pushing his shoulder.

He shrugged, "But I'm your nerd" smirking before kissing you again. This time with even more passion and love than the priors.

Jason Todd (Red Hood) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now