All's Well that Ends Well [Pt. 2 to An Off Day]

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Warning: Not quite NSFW but making out and suggestive.


After gaining your promotion and Jason showing up when Red Hood said he would. You put two and two together pretty quickly, but he trusted you with the information. However, he didn't tell you who the other bats were and you respected that.

You were keeping the relationship on the down low. Not wanting people to think you got the promotion because you had a relationship with Bruce's son. Not even his family knew.

He had talked to you about his family, how a while ago they weren't all on the best terms. He trusted you more than anyone, and you were happy he did.

You found it kind of romantic. The sneaking around and trust between you both, it was like a non-fatal Romeo and Juliet. But you guys have had a few more romantic getaways, if you know what I mean.. Wink Wink.

He was fond of the spontaneous ones. And unknowingly had one in the works right now.

Jason has your schedule pretty well memorized over the past month you'd been together. Meaning he knows when your lunch is. Though some days it will change because you have a meeting or something. You had become a very important asset to Wayne Enterprises. Not mention the employees under you respected you and were your friends.

It was a good change for the office.

"Hey Trish" Jason greeted your assistant as he approached your office.

"Hello Mr. Todd, Miss [L/n]'s on a call right now" She informed him. But that never stopped him before. "I'll be quiet" he smiled before opening the door quietly and slipping inside.

You back was turned to him as you yelled over the phone. "I need those shipments in by tomorrow when you promised when they would be in!"

Jason leaned against the door frame, observing you. Completely oblivious to his presence. He patiently waited for you to hang up the call, he never really saw angry like this. You're always pretty happy-go-lucky or over dramatic. Of course he had seen you mad but not furious like this.

He'd be lying if he said it wasn't a turn on.

"Well if you'd like to keep your job I'd have that shipment in at it's promised time." scolding before slamming the phone to the receiver. A frustrated huff escaping your lips

Today had been very stressful. Shipments were delayed, you needed a sales gross report finished and on Bruce's desk by the end of the day. Not to mention your heels were killing your feet and the skirt you chose to wear this morning was more than uncomfortable.

It wasn't until a pair of arms slithered around your waist that you felt any sort of relief. "Someone's tense" Jason's deep voice vibrated in your ear.

"Well hey there handsome" turning in his arms to face him. Looking in his eyes you could see the lust, and the heat radiating off of his being. "What's got you so heated?" teasingly cocking an eyebrow.

"Nothing, just you're sexy when you're angry." a smirk played on his lips. You had learned the difference in his smirks. And this one meant there wasn't away. Not that you wanted too.

Slipping out of his arms, he whined before you smirked at him over your shoulder.

Opening your door you poked your head out. "Hey Trish, I'm going to take my lunch break how about you do the same. I know your birthdays coming up too so my treat." Pointing to her company card. She smiled, thanking you before leaving her desk.

Closing the door again you turned to Jason, "Well now where were we?" swaying your hips as you walked up to him. Smirking he immediately pulled you flush against him by your hips. He connected his lips to yours as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Not remembering if you had locked the door but not caring enough to cut this short.

Both smiling into the kiss. You had your back to the desk, gasping when he lifted you up onto it. Taking the chance to slip his tongue into your mouth. One of your hands slipped into his hair.

You weren't going to let it get past making out but it was safe to say this was relieving your stress. It got pretty heated as he began to pamper your neck, not leaving his usual marks. Knowing you'd have to go back to working after this.

Though it didn't take long for you to pull him back to your lips. Him winning the battle once again. You hummed contently, sending a shiver down his spine. You were both going to have to finish this later. Though Jason didn't realize how much you'd have to make up.

Because you hadn't remembered to lock the door after all. Which lead to your little excursion to be cut short.

"Oh my god!" a voice you didn't recognize, but Jason did.

You both pulled away wide eyed. "Shit" he muttered, before turning to see his three brothers. You knew Tim or Dick would be coming by later that day to pick up somethings for Bruce. But they were early... very early.

"Uhhh" You both said, retracting from each other.

"When did?" Dick trailed off gesturing between the both of you. As you got back to your feet.

"A month ago" Jason answered as a blush was preeminent on your cheeks.

"TT, Her rough day ended pretty well" Damian commented, making you laugh nervously. "Haha, y-yeah. We just kind of hit it off"

"Why didn't you tell us Jay?" Dick looked at his brother. "I didn't want him to tell anyone" you spoke up. "I didn't want people to think that I got this promotion just because I'm with Jason" taking his hand while explaining.

"We're going to have to tell Bruce" Tim spoke up, crossing his arms. "Let us do it" Jason assured, squeezing your hand. What would Bruce think? Will he take away the promotion?

"Um I have to deliver a report to him, how about we do it when I have to take it to him?" You offered as Jason nodded in agreement.

When the day began to draw to an end it came time to talk to Bruce. Jason hung out in your office as you freaked out, babbling your fears to him. He did his best to keep you calm, but to be honest he couldn't really guarantee anything.

The walk to his office was filled with him feeling your nervousness and trying to reassure you.

Quietly knocking on his door before hearing him say to 'come in'.

He was surprised to see Jason joining you. "How can I help the both of you?"

"I have this sales report for you." handing him the manila envelope, "but we have something else we need to talk to you about."

"Yes?" he looked between the both of you. "Bruce [F/n] and I have been seeing each other for about a month now." Jason stated rather bluntly.

"Is this true?" he directed the question at you. "Yes, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before all of this but I just felt I had to prove myself to everyone before telling everyone of our relationship" answering, trying to sound confident.

He looked between the both of you once more. "No need for apologies. I can't tell my employees who they can and can't have a relationship. And I can tell you've been having a good affect on him" allowing a smile to grace his lips.

"He's smiling, how'd you do that?" Jason chuckled looking at you. "I don't know" whispering back.

"The work days over, you both head on out. I'll see you later tonight Jason" Bruce said before you made your leave.

"That went better than expected" you stated as the both of you exited the office building. "All's well that ends well I guess"

"Yeah, I guess. So, your place or mine?" giving you the same smirk from earlier.

Leading you only to think

'Oh boy'

Jason Todd (Red Hood) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now