Lovers of Books

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Tumblr Request: "How about reader and Jason meet in a bookstore and bond over similar taste in books? Just a note the "friends to lovers" trope would be really cute here, but I am gonna leave that up to you lol"


It's a true statement to say you're an avid book lover. Fiction, Non-Fiction, Historical, you've read every genre. Though your favorites being classic Literature. You couldn't get enough of it. So your parents owning a book store was a god send.

Except for when they were out of town, leaving you to tend to the store and it's customers, most of those being regulars. Very rarely you'd get someone new to visit your parent's quaint corner bookstore.

It made things rather boring, especially now.

Leaning against the counter, chin resting in your hand whilst re-reading your personal copy of Pride and Prejudice. Hearing the bell above the door ring you called, "Welcome to [L/n] Family Books, if you need anything feel free to ask" not bothering to look away from the page.

Completely unbeknownst to the handsome, blue eyed, six foot, raven-haired male to just enter the store.

He went on about his business skimming the shelves as you continued on with reading about the flaw that is Mr. Darcy's pride. Stuck in the book until you were lured away by a deep voice.

"Excuse me" eyes flickering up from the page to meet stunning blue hues. "Oh, uh, sorry." Setting the book down. "What can I do for you?"

"Don't worry about it. Do you know if you have any Hemingway?" Shocked a bit at the author. Not many people around his age, which must be close to your own, read the legend unless they were assigned too. "Oh yes of course" stepping from behind the counter.

Heading to the Classic Lit section. "Anything in particular?" you glanced back at him. "Yeah, The Sun Also Rises?" he questioned.

"Ah, a good choice" you smiled stopping in the front of the bookshelves. "You've read it?" he inquired.

"I have, I was surprised to hear you request Hemingway. I don't normally get requests for it for people under 40." You chuckled.

"Looks like we're both two of a kind then" he smiled. You reached up slipping the book from it's place. "I guess so" handing it to him

"Awesome" he smiled whilst skimming the first page. You took the moment to get a full look at him. He had to be at least six foot, and his arms were huge! Damn he looked solid. Eyes immediately catching the white streak that ran in the front of his hair. You couldn't help but wonder if it was natural.

Realizing your staring you blushed before saying, "I can ring you out whenever you're ready" making your way back to the register.

"Thank you, uh" he paused where a name would be. "[F/n]. [F/n] [L/n]" holding out a hand.

He took it, "Ah, [F/n]. I'm Jason. Jason Todd"

You smiled before retracting your hand and returning to your own book. Once he was finished he found two more books and came over. You were impressed by the roster. Devil in the White City, The Sun Also Rises, and Martin Dressler.

"Oh wow I love this book" You commented picking up Devil in the White City. "Really no way! I had to get a new copy of it my brother spilled his coffee on it." He laughed, a genuine smile gracing his face.

"Oh my god I would commit murder" You laughed totaling up the books. "Trust me I came close, my other brothers had to hold me back when he told me" You laughed, not realizing how true the statement actually was.

"Well your total is $21.09" you smiled as he pulled out his wallet. "I'm going to have to come back here, usually I'd be paying like $30 for three books" handing you the money. Putting it in the register and giving him his change. "You should, it's not often we see new faces. Everyone has gone online but I don't get how you can enjoy a book without paper"

"I know right. But I really should go before my family thinks I fell down a well. It was nice meeting you [F/n] I hope it's not the last time" taking yhe bag before sending you a charming smile. "I hope that too" smiling back before he made his leave.

And it was indeed not the last time you'd see Jason. He started by visiting once a week, then it was twice, then it was every other day. He really had taken a liking to the store and you guys became friends by bonding over books. Often recommending books for the other, you had even helped him pick out a book for someone named Alfred who's birthday was that week.

Every time he came in when you were there you'd always insist on helping him even though your parents offered.

And today was no different. You were doing some re-stocking in the back when you heard the door chime. "Good morning Mr. and Mrs. [L/n] is [F/n] here today?" he asked coming to the counter.

"Good morning Jason, Yes –" your mother began but you emerged from behind the curtain. "Good morning Jason" you greeted with a smile. Your parents chuckling at the timing. They were well aware of your feelings toward the man, able to tell the first time they saw you helping him.

"Well we'll leave you both to it. We'll finish your restocking" Your father smiled before retreating into the back room with your mother.

"So what can I do ya for today?" grinning at him. "Hemingway? Shakespeare?"

"Uh I'm actually not here for books today" Scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Really, what's up?" Face contorting into one that of confusion. "I was actually wondering when your lunch break was?" not meeting your eyes.

"Oh" feeling a heat rise to your cheeks. "It can be really whenever" smiling at the ground. Both shy like a couple of teenagers.

"Well uh, would you like to, um" meeting your eyes. "God why am I nervous I feel like I'm in high school" he laughed as you did the same. "Okay lets try again. [F/n] would you go to lunch with me today? You know, like a date?"

You blushed before bashfully smiling at the floor. "I'd love too" meeting his eyes again.

"Great, would you like to go now?" he asked gesturing to the door. "Yeah, sure. Let me get my coat" turning and going behind the counter. Slipping you jacket on and grabbing your bag.

Poking your head in the back room, "I'm taking my lunch break be back soon!" yelling to your parents. "Okay sweetie have fun" your mother called back.

Meeting Jason's side again he offered you an arm, "Shall we?"

Grinning you linked yours with his, "We shall"

Jason Todd (Red Hood) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now