Blessing [Pt. 2 to Acrobat's Sister]

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Tumblr Requests: "Hi! Just read Acrobat's Sister & I love it so much??!?!!! Like??? Its fantastic. Can I request for a part two of it? I don't really have ideas for it but maybe, them bonding and catching up or Dick giving Jason "the talk from the big brother"? Or anything you have in mind!! Thank you."


After Jason had unknowingly reunited you with Dick, the both of you were inseparable the rest of the time you were there. Dick wanted to know everything about how the circus has been, along with how things were with you. With everything! He had 15 years to make up for. Dick insisted on taking you to his favorite places in Gotham and showing you his favorite perches as Nightwing. He told you about how he had become Robin when Bruce first took him in and that's why he couldn't be in touch.

He was honestly surprised you weren't angry with him, you said it yourself; he abandoned you. Though you had 15 years to be bitter, and you didn't see the point in being angry with him. The minute he walked in the door when Jason was introducing you to his family you recognized him. How could you forget the voice, the eyes of your older brother, the same raven black hair though it a bit messier than you remember. Yes he had aged fifteen years and his voice was deeper. But, he was still Dick. The minute you saw him any anger disappeared. You were just glad to have your brother back.

It felt like someone you loved came back to life. It made you remember Dick never fell off that trapeze. He loved to tell you about how he helps people as Nightwing and it was easy to see how passionate he is about saving people. Yeah, Jason cares about helping those in need and doing what's right (most of the time), but with Dick it was different. That's what his life revolved around, making life easier for others. Some things hadn't changed from when you were both little.

After one of his many days of stealing you away, you both returned to the manor. Alfred opened the door for you as always. Dick was going on and on about how he had looked up one of your lion tamer acts and how much you'd grown when you found Jason in the manor living room with a book. He was in an arm chair with his back to you. Grinning you came up behind him and covered his eyes.

Dick chuckled as Jason let his book drop in his lap. "What are you doing?" He asked, a grin on his face. "Who is it?" You laughed. "Oh, whoever could it be?" He said sarcastically and his tone full of drama. Giggling your hands slid to under his chin and angled his head up to kiss his lips.

Dick looked away, a bit awkwardly. Waiting for you two to finish. Jason stood from the chair and wrapped his arms around your waist, and yours went around his neck. "Welcome back." He smiled. "Thank you, sorry I've been gone a lot." He chuckled and shook his head, "It's okay, you guys are catching up. Who am I to stop you? Plus.." He grinned before kiss your neck lightly "..I get plenty of you at home."

You pushed his face from your neck, laughing. "Jason!" Yelping slightly, also a bit embarrassed because Dick was in the room. Dick cleared his voice and Jason pulled away. "Sorry Dick" You turned your head to look at him but he just waved it off. "It's okay. No worries." Jason was looking at him but soon back to you. "Ready to go home?" He asked and you nodded. "Let me just go say goodbye to Bruce, Alfred, and your other siblings." You kissed his cheek before pulling away and walking out of the room.

Dick watched you go before turning to Jason, he had seen you guys be affectionate like that but as your brother, he couldn't help but be protective. "Say, Jay? Can we talk for a sec?" Jason looked at him before shrugging and nodding, "Something wrong?"

"No! Nothing. I just. You and [F/n], you guys are really serious?" He questioned but it was more of a statement. Jason nodded, "Yeah, we've been living together for a few months. What's going on Dick?" Jason crossed his arms, staring Dick down. "I just, she's been through a lot. Losing our parents, and well me. I know it couldn't have been easy, especially if she changed her name. I just don't want her to get hurt anymore. Not that I think you'll hurt her, but I don't know. I'm an older brother, I worry." He shrugged.

Jason let his arms drop. His muscles relaxing. "You don't have to worry about that Dick." Jason shook his head. "I know [F/n] and I have only been together for a year, but I love her more than anything. I want to be with her for the rest of my life. I won't hurt her, I'll be too busy protecting her."

Dick smiled and nodded. "Thanks Jason. I'm happy you guys met and she fell in love with you. I trust you to take care of her."

Jason put his hand in his pocket before saying, "I want to ask you something too. Since, I know you guys lost your parents. I guess you're the only one I can ask this." Jason said and Dick looked at him confused. "What is it?" Questioning before he saw Jason pull a small black velvet box from his pocket. "I would've wanted to ask your dad this, but, I want to marry [F/n] and I'm asking you for your blessing."

Dick stared at Jason before he looked down at the box in Jason's hand. He looked around making sure there was no sign of you before taking the box and opening it to see an engagement ring. "Jason, I think I already gave you that." He smiled and looked at Jason. "But. Yes. I give you my blessing to marry my little sister."

Jason grinned before nodding and taking the box back. Hiding it back in his pocket. "Thank you Dick. It means a lot to me." As Jason said that you appeared back in the room. Looking between the two, they were both smiling and you couldn't believe it. "Why are you two so smiley?"

Chuckling Jason shook his head. "It's nothing, just had to ask Dick a question. Are you ready to go?" Nodding you walked over to them both. Giving Dick a hug. "See you tomorrow?"

"Of course. It's your last day before you have to go back to the circus." Dick replied as you pulled away. You grinned at him, "The lions probably miss me." He laughed before you pulled away and took Jason's hand. Saying a final goodbye you both left and headed to Jason's motorcycle.

"What did you ask Dick?" Asking curiously.

Jason shook his head, "Just something important. About us."

You raised a suspicious eyebrow as he chuckled. "You'll find out soon enough." He teased.

"Jason Todd, you're planning something."

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