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Warning: Light swearing, kinda heated


You were laying with Jason on the couch in your shared apartment. He had his head resting on your shoulder and his arm draped around your frame.

Your hand was resting on his exposed forearm, thumb unconsciously stroking his skin. The both of you were just watching a movie enjoying the other's company.

He finally had a night off from anything and everything Red Hood and decided to spend it cuddling with you. But to be honest this movie was hella boring, and you wanted to do something... more, than cuddling. A plan began to stir in your mischievous brain.

Letting out a sigh, turning your face to his. He gave you a relaxed smile, "Everything alright?"

Nodding softly, whispering "Yeah, this is just... nice"

"I know, I wish we could do this all of the time" He placed a peck on your nose, eliciting giggles to bubble from your throat. You liked whenever he was tender and intimate like this, it was relaxing.

Sighing again you rested your forehead to his. Lifting your hand on his arm to his cheek, beginning to stroke his cheek with your index finger. You made eye contact with him, diverting your eyes every so often. He loved whenever you'd be bashful, finding it undeniably adorable.

A smile grew on his face as you inched your face more toward his. Rubbing your nose against his, a soft hum to escaping your throat.

"[F/n]?" he whispered.

"Hmm" humming as your nose brushed against his again. Your lips just over his.

"Watcha doing?" he playfully asked. His deep blue eyes sparkling with mischief, though not the mischief you were trying to provoke.

A grin beginning to decorate your features, "cuddling" you innocently responded.

He let out a content sigh. Tilting your chin to connect your lips he playfully cut your kiss off by swiftly licking your upper lip and nose.

Withdrawing you laughed covering your mouth and nose. He then lifted his hand covering yours and holding it there. He knew what you were doing the whole time.

Laughing you pulled both your hands away. "You jerk" playfully pushing his shoulder. He chuckled before moving so he was hovering over you. "You were trying to tease me" inching his face closer to yours.

"Beep, wrong. I was trying to get in the mood~" Wiggling your eyebrows at him.

He chuckled again before leaning down to where his mouth was near your ear. "Well maybe now I can help with that" he whispered as you felt his breath on the shell of your ear. Sending a shiver down your spine

Withdrawing his face he smoothly connected his lips with yours. Wrapping your arms around his neck you drew him closer.

Bitting down on your bottom lip. It didn't catch you by surprise but you allowed him access anyway. His tongue quickly intertwined with yours.

His hands landing on your hips, moving your legs so they'd wrap around his waist. Hands then moving to your ass.

You did get him where you wanted him. Much to your satisfaction.

Detaching from your lips he moved to your neck. Kissing and biting at your skin. Leaving his mark on you in his wake.

Fingers moving to his hair, they intertwined between the strands. Giving his hair a light tug he detached his lips from your neck and moved back to your lips.

Hungrily he dominated your mouth. Something you were one hundred percent ok with. When he began to pull away again you caught his lip between your teeth. Causing him to smirk down at you.

"Well, isn't someone hot and bothered tonight" he examined before dipping his head down again. Stopping when his nose was gently rubbing against yours. You smiled at the tender action, you were usually the one to do that. Jason doing it made it even more special.

Connecting his lips to yours again he lifted you off the couch. Your legs still around his waist and hands in his hair. Carrying you into your shared bedroom and kicking the door closed behind him.

Placing you down on the bed, his lips went to your neck again. Sucking and biting on your sweet spot.

You were indeed getting what you wanted tonight.

Jason Todd (Red Hood) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now