Today was the day, a very important day. Not only was it your family reunion where you will be seeing family from overseas, of whom you haven't seen in years. But it will be Jason's first time meeting them, and you both had a huge announcement.
"What if they don't approve? We weren't planning this! What if your family thinks we're not ready?" Jason was freaking out about your pregnancy announcement.
You took his hands "Jay take a deep breath, you're stressing yourself out. My family will be ecstatic. My mom's been on me about having kids since we got engaged" laughing before pecking his cheek.
He let out a sigh before placing his hands on your stomach. "I'm just so excited but I want your family's approval. I don't know I guess I'm just nervous about meeting the rest of your family this afternoon." gently moving his thumb under your shirt.
"Hey don't worry. My family already loves you. If you can win over my brother you can win over anyone." Beaming up at him. Leaning down he kissed your lips, then kneeling and kissing your not yet showing stomach. Giggling at the gesture. "You're going to be an amazing father"
"Think so?" he asked while standing back up to meet your eyes. "I know so" before pressing a smile filled kiss to his lips. Of which he returned happily.
Later that afternoon you and Jason got ready to go to a nearby cafe where your family reserved for the night. It was a simple event so you just wore a comfortable pair of jeans and a leather jacket that of course Jason had gotten you.
Slipping it on he snuck up behind you. "I love that jacket on you" wrapping his arms around your waist. You laughed before intertwining your fingers with yours. "I just hope it will fit when the baby starts to develop" pulling his arms tighter around you.
He chuckled, "That's not something I can guarantee. We won't know until we know the gender"
"Do you want a boy or a girl?" you turned to face him. Wrapping your arms around his neck. "I don't know. A girl I guess, I always wanted to have daddy's little girl. But I will love any child we have. How about you?"
"I don't care as long as they take after you" sweetly pecking his lips. "You're too good for me"
"I know, now lets go we don't want to be late" Teasing whilst tugging his arm as you went.
You both decided to walk to the cafe despite the cold because it was only a few blocks away. Though it soon turned into a jog when it started snowing. Neither of you prepared for it.
"Ahh, I hate the cold" you squealed rushing through the doors. "I know I would've driven us if I knew it was going to snow. You didn't strain yourself did you?" lightly placing a hand on your stomach.
Chuckling you answered, "I'm fine Jaybird" smiling at you before kissing your forehead.
"[F/n]! JASON! [F/n]! JASON!" hearing a young voice barreling toward you both. Seeing your younger cousin rushing over to the both of you.
"Hey kiddo" Jason scooped her up. You couldn't help but smile at the exchange. He's going to be a fantastic father. How'd you manage this stud?
"Hey sweetie" you said when Jason set the girl down and she rushed to hug you.
"Auntie Jen and Uncle Thomas are home! And they brought Sammy, Tyler and Clare with them!" She squealed excitedly. Telling you of the arrival of your out of country family members.
"Well lets go see them shall we?" You smiled at the girl before she sprinted into the restaurant. Beginning to follow her but noticing the missing Jason from your side. Turning you saw him nervously standing by the door still.
Softly smiling at him you went and wrapped your arms around him. "Don't worry so much. I promise they'll love you almost as much as I do. Because lets be honest no one can love you as much I do" grinning up at him.
Feeling his tense muscles relax. You always knew just what to say to calm him down.
After just embracing him for a while he smiled and tugged your hand, "lets go"
Interlocking your hands you both walked into the restaurant. Immediately greeted by your parents, along with your older brother and younger sister.
After greeting the rest of your family, your relatives from overseas came over. You hugged them all, swinging your younger cousins around. Making Jason a bit nervous about you straining yourself. Jason Todd ever the worrywart.
"And whose this?" Your aunt gestured to Jason. Extending your hand to him, he took it and met your side. "Guys this is my fiancé Jason. Jay this is my Aunt Jen, Uncle Thomas and their kids Samantha, Tyler, and Clare." Introducing them all. Jason shook your uncle's hand and your aunt hugged him, saying "We've heard so many good things."
Tyler and Clare in awe at the giant in front of them. They were 10 and 7 meaning they were rather short and had never seen anyone so tall before. Sammy was 17 and was in awe by him in a different way. She pulled you aside as Jason was talking with your aunt and uncle.
"He's so –" She started but you cut her off. "Handsome, gorgeous, amazing, I know" you whispered happily, making her laugh. You watched as Jason was kneeling down, talking to the younger kids.
"How'd you get so tall?" Tyler questioned enthusiastically. "I drank my milk everyday" he smiled at the young boy. "And muscly?"
"Ate my vegetables and I still exercise all of the time" Jason answered his grin widening. Making you even more excited to get to see these sort of interactions everyday after these following months. Your hand unconsciously moved to your stomach.
Looking over Jason noticed and came over to you. Your cousin having given you both privacy. "You okay?" concern laced in his voice. "More than. Seeing you with Tyler just made me more excited" you confessed. He let a beaming grin grace his face before pressing his lips to yours.
The rest of the afternoon and evening was filled with food, socializing, and games. But no alcohol for you, or Jason, as he promised not to drink until you can again.
Though as the night began to draw to a close you both had yet to make the announcement. "Should we do it now before everyone leaves?" Jason whispered. You nodded, "I think it's a good time. Everyone seems to be unwinding"
You both stood up and went to the center of the room. "Excuse us guys!" You grabbed the attention of your family. Everyone quieting down.
"Uh.. Jason and I have an announcement to make and we wanted to wait until everyone was together" Saying as Jason wrapped a nervous arm around you.
"This can't be good" One of your uncles cut in making your family chuckle. You chuckled as well, shaking your head.
"No, it's actually good news" you paused as Jason pulled you closer.
"I'm pregnant!"
Everyone was silent for about a half second before anyone registered. Your mother immediately hugged you, with your father right behind her. "Oh my god sweetie congratulations!" laughing happily as you hugged her.
Your father hugged Jason, a first for everything. "Congratulations" patting his back, "Thank you sir," shaking his head your father chuckled, "What have I told you about the formalities Jason, just Jack is fine."
After hugging your parents switched. Your father kissing your cheek. Your brother hugged you so tightly and your sister was squealing about being an aunt.
Everyone was elated for you both. Saying you'll be phenomenal parents and that if you needed anything that they're there. Making you and Jason breathed a sigh of relief.
Hugging close to his arm, you teased "I told you so." He smiled meeting your eyes, "That you did."

Jason Todd (Red Hood) x Reader Imagines
FanfictionThis is a complete book of all of the current Jason Todd x Reader fics on my Tumblr account. Some requests and some of my own ideas. I hope you enjoy! Prompts used comes from @otpprompts on Tumblr