So Much More

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Tumblr Request: "#1 with jason todd please ❤❤ congratulations on your 1.4k milestone you deserve it 💙❤💙❤💙❤"

Prompt 1: "We're not just friends and you fucking know it."


If there was one thing that confused people, it's your relationship with Jason. They never could tell if you both were together or not for a multitude of reasons. Shall we list them?

Well first thing is that you live together, but simply as roommates. You both are vigilantes so it made night jobs easier. Along with those nighttime activities, you're partners. Wherever Red Hood goes so does [s/h/n] and wherever [s/h/n] goes so does Red Hood. As far as your relationship outside vigilante life, you guys are often found together. Having similar interests you like the same places. If he had a nightmare, you'd sleep with him so he'd feel safe. Sometimes he holds your hand in crowded places in fear of losing you. Strangers even have called you both a beautiful couple on a few occasions.

Not to mention you had a, friends with benefits type of relationship too. Sometimes you both are on an adrenaline high from patrol and need to let off that extra steam.

Though lately, Jason's been pushing for more and more contact with you. Not that you're complaining, you didn't think much of it. That wasn't until he started to seem jealous of guys around you. He started to not like it when guys flirted with you at bars or clubs. Which killed the mood for you sometimes because you are in fact single.

But you put up with it because Jason is your best friend and partner. Knowing it's just his protective nature. Well, you put up with it until now.

Tonight was a night you actually didn't have patrol, so you decided to take the chance and actually go out. You had met a guy about a week ago at a bar, having got his number you set up a date for tonight.

You walked out of your room where Jason was out on the couch loading his guns and extra clips for his patrol that night. When he saw you his jaw dropped. You wore a black dress that highlighted your curves, your hair was curled and fell perfectly. Your makeup was natural tones except the red lipstick that made your lips stand out.

The way his eyes raked your body and his voice caught in his throat made you smirk. "I guess I don't need to ask if I look good." He cleared his throat before standing up and walking over to you. "Uh, yeah. Where are you going?"

You shrugged, moving to sit on the couch to pull on your heels. "Just getting a drink with someone." He nodded, his hands resting in his pockets. You stood up, shifting to make sure your shoes were on comfortably. "So, who is it you're seeing?" Jason asked curiously.

"A guy I met at the bar last week. Gonna see if there's any spark." You smiled and slung your bag over your shoulder. Jason's jaw clenched and his hand turned to a fist in his pocket. "But be safe on patrol okay? Don't make me have to patch you up." You teased and patted his shoulder before walking out your front door. Unaware of the anger boiling in your partner right now as he set out on patrol early.

Jason was angry every minute he was out there. He was a bit more violent than usual and everyone took note of it. "Jason, what's under your skin?" Dick asked over his comm. "Nothing" He answered shortly. "Doesn't sound like nothing" Tim was next to speak up. "I said it's nothing!" Growling at his brothers. "Is it because [F/n]'s on a date?" Dick questioned, ignoring the irritation he was causing his brother. "Why would that bother me?" Jason said through grit teeth.

"Tt, it's obvious your feelings for her Todd." Damian huffed on the other end of his comm. "You don't know what you're talking about runt." Jason retorted, agitated. "Jason, we know you well enough to know when you really love someone. She's your world and we all know it." Dick spoke sincerely. "You don't know anything." Jason mumbled before dropping down on a mugger about to jump out and grab a girl walking home. He threw him against the wall, punching him in the nose to hear a sickening crack. Then kicking him in the leg, hearing it snap before knocking him out. Right then he heard someone land behind him. "Great" he mumbled before turning to see Bruce standing there.

Jason Todd (Red Hood) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now