Chapter 19 - Think About It

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Dimitri arrived back from the pharmacy minutes after Mark had returned. Rose was still sitting on the sofa beside Olena, who was softly stroking her hair. It was a sweet and loving thing to do – and was very comforting to Rose, unused as she was to maternal affection.

"Mark thank you so much for dropping everyone home, and I'm so sorry. Mama? This is something Rose and I need to talk about – can you give us a few minutes?"

Olena and Mark went back through to the kitchen where Oksana joined them, while Dimitri remained in the living room sitting very close to Rose before pulling her onto his lap and wrapping her in his arms. Olena watched them through the opening from the kitchen. Rose was still looking very shocked as Dimitri rocked her back and forth, eventually tucking her head in under his chin. They talked and cuddled for maybe ten minutes before they kissed softly and Dimitri stood up giving Rose his hand and helping her up. There was a glass of water on the coffee table in front of her from when she'd been hyperventilating, but from where she was sitting, Olena hadn't been able to see whether Rose had taken a tablet or not.

Walking back through to the kitchen Dimitri sat down and pulled his chair tight against Rose's.

"Mark, Oksana. I'm so sorry about all that. Rose and I had no idea that a family was a possibility for us. As you can imagine, it's come as quite a shock."

Oksana smiled at them both kindly. "No, I'm sorry. I should never have brought it up like that. I just assumed you knew."

"I had no idea. Other than my bondmate Lissa, the only other Spirit user I know is Adrian – and neither of them knows anything at all about being shadow-kissed. Is there anything else huge like that I should be aware of?" Rose asked looking at Mark warily.

"Um, I think that's it other than the darkness. Oh – and unbonded Spirit users. I'm not sure what it is, but over the years I've noticed that Spirit users who don't have a bondmate seem to be somehow drawn to those who are shadow-kissed. It can become quite awkward."

"That would explain Adrian!" Rose gasped, looking at Dimitri. She quickly filled Oksana and Mark in about Adrian and his obsessive romantic interest in her. Mark was nodding looking unsurprised.

"I have my own theory about it. I think that darkness recognizes darkness. It's like it wants to increase, so is drawn to other people with it. Although I find I'm generally very comfortable around other shadow-kissed people. I'm not sure why – maybe it has something to do with shared experience," he pondered, "but I find it quite relaxing."

"Have you met many?" Rose asked curiously.

"You're number seven, but through them, I know of a few others."

Rose was surprised. She'd not expected so many – but it was good to know she wasn't alone. She turned to Oksana. "You said there are lots of things Spirit users can do to help with the darkness?"

"Yeah, there are charms that can help, and also healing some of the darkness like I did with you earlier. You can't heal it all, but it can take the edge off when it's really bad. Of course, happiness helps with the darkness, and the very best cure is being in love." She gave Dimitri and Rose a knowing look.

"Is there a way of stopping the darkness coming across? I mean – I'm pretty sure distance helps?"

"Yes. The closer you are physically to one another the more you'll take in. You should be able to mentally pull it across any time you choose, no matter how far apart you are, but if you're overloaded physical distance will stop it coming across without you knowing."

"Yeah, that's one of the reasons I came to Russia. I had to get away from the darkness. I just couldn't handle the amount Lissa was generating. She hurts when she limits the use of her magic, but when she does use it, it affects me. I care for her, I really do, but this last time it got to the stage where I was trapped in a living nightmare. It felt like there was never any chance of anything good or happy happening again. How do you and Mark balance it?"

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