Chapter 71 - Not Such A Great Idea

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"I really think Dimitri is going to kill Eddie," Vika moaned. "He's always been prickly about any of us girls dating. He was fourteen when Karolina got pregnant with Paul, and since then he's been really funny about it. I was home the weekend Mama called to tell him about Sonya, and he couldn't even speak he was so angry!"

"Well, there are some big differences. Firstly, Eddie is your own age and a Dhampir, so you're not likely to get pregnant are you?" Rose said, giving Vika a loaded look as she sorted and packed away the clothing she'd brought over from her old dorm room. "Also Dimitri knows Eddie and his character - he's not just some random guy. Finally, he's right here so Dimitri can keep an eye on the two of you – that's bound to make him feel a lot better."

"I still don't think he's going to like it."

"Dimitri respects a man who is open and honest. He was very impressed when Xander made an effort to talk with him about his intentions towards Karolina. Now you and Eddie aren't as serious as that yet, but it would get things off on the right foot if Eddie approached Dimitri about it."

"When do you think to do it?"

"Well he's usually happiest in the mornings, and he's more relaxed when he hasn't done an afternoon shift the day before. You'll be spending Sunday afternoon with us, but Lissa and Christian will be there. So what about Monday morning after our run during training? If I know you're planning it for then, I can make sure he's in an extra good mood that morning," Rose said, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

"Ewww but thank you," Vika laughed.

"It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make," Rose joked.

Finished with the unpacking, they sat in the living room, and Rose flicked on the Gilmore Girls.

"So how close are you and Eddie getting?" Rose asked curiously. "Are you at first base? Second? Third?!"


"You know? First base?!"

Vika was looking at Rose oddly. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Rose laughed. "Ok – so you know about baseball, right?"


"So the four bases correspond to how far you've gone with a guy when making out. First base is kissing with tongues, second base is touching above the waist, third base is touching below the waist or oral sex, and a home run is sex."

"That's weird! Um, I guess we're at first and a half base? We've kissed with tongues a couple of times, and I touch his chest while we're kissing, but he doesn't touch mine. Well once he kind of rubbed his hand across my breast once, but I think it was by accident..."

Rose snorted. "He's a guy, Vika. Trust me - it wasn't by accident! So no third base yet?"

"NO! Not even close! Eddie's happy to take it slow. I haven't done it before, so I want to be really sure before I do, you know?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Was Dimka your first?" Vika asked shyly, not making eye contact.

Rose smiled. "Yep. I'd made out with a couple of guys before, but nothing beyond second base and in fact only one guy even got that far. As corny as it sounds, as soon as I kissed your brother I was gone. I'm glad I waited for someone who cared enough to take their time and make it really special for me. I mean you don't have to marry the first guy you sleep with," Rose said laughing because that's exactly what she'd done, "but you want him to care about you."

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