Chapter 89 - It Wasn't Serious

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"Well... That's obviously news to both of us, isn't it?" Rose commented a little sarcastically, nodding to where Vika stood to face off against Chelsea. "Tell me it ended well?"

"Um, yes and no," Eddie said. "Chelsea wanted things to become more serious, and I didn't so we broke up."

"You weren't interested in a serious relationship?" Dimitri asked, appraising him.

"Not until I met Viktoria," Eddie said ruefully.

Dimitri heard the strange tone in the younger man's voice. Hmm – looks like he might need to have a talk with him. Rose looked up catching the end of Dimitri's gaze.

"Be nice," she murmured under her breath, correctly interpreting the direction of his thoughts.

"How do you always know what I'm thinking, milaya?" Dimitri whispered, wrapping his arms around her from behind more firmly.

"It's a talent," Rose giggled, putting her hands on top of his and caressing his long calloused fingers.

Celeste came over to where they were standing. "Your girl fighting your ex. This should be fun!" she commented to Eddie. "Who do you think will win?"

"Vika," Eddie replied loyally, "although by the looks of it Chelsea is going to put up quite a fight," he observed. Chelsea was standing facing Vika, looking at the other girl like she was something particularly distasteful.

"So she's over the breakup then?" Celeste teased.

"Yeah, for sure," Eddie said. "It was eight months ago. She's fine with it."

Celeste and Rose caught a nasty look Chelsea threw towards Eddie and weren't so sure.

"Whatever you say," Celeste said, eyebrows raised.

The whistle sounded, and the two girls started their fight. Watching Chelsea closely, Rose could see Eddie's tips were on the money – Chelsea's left knee did appear to be a weak spot for her, and while she used her left arm to attack at times, she almost always led with her elbow and rarely with her fist.

"She should get that wrist assessed," Dimitri murmured. "If it's still bothering her after so long there might be a problem with it."

Rose made a mental note to speak with her about it later. While she and Chelsea had never been particularly close, they'd always been friendly enough. Although come to think of it, they'd barely said a handful of words to one another since Rose had returned to St. Vlad's.

Looking at the two women, it appeared that Vika would have the advantage. She was taller, had a longer reach and seemed to be in better form. Chelsea, though, was all fired up – and Rose knew better than most that sheer bravado can go a long way in a fight.

After a few minutes of back and forth punches and feints, Rose saw a slight shift of weight and turn of the hip. Telltale signs that Chelsea was preparing for an aerial kick. Thanks to Rose's lessons Vika spotted it too and was able to move out of range in time, delivering her own blow just after Chelsea had committed to the move and it was too late to pull out.

The crowd roared and groaned, depending on which side of the betting line they were on. Vika's blow had been a good one, and it had been on Chelsea's weaker left side. Landing awkwardly, Chelsea managed to stay on her feet, but she was obviously winded and in pain.

For the next few minutes, Vika seemed intent on wearing Chelsea down, although the experienced fighters could see she was just biding her time waiting for her chance. And suddenly she got it. Chelsea and Vika were engaged in close up fighting when Vika hooked her foot behind Chelsea's left knee, kicking behind the kneecap and forcing Chelsea forward. Falling to one knee in front of Vika, the latter pulled her foot free before kneeing Chelsea hard in the left shoulder.

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