Chapter 60 - Farewell, For Now

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"That's the last of it milaya," Dimitri said coming back to their room. Other than their carry on bags, all their luggage was in a room next to the exit downstairs waiting for the van to pick them up to take them to the airport later in the evening. Their room was now completely empty. The only thing they had left to do was strip the bed and drop the linens to the laundry service on the way to dinner in an hour's time. Lying on the bed, Dimitri opened his arms to Rose who curled up beside him, resting her head in the crook of his shoulder.

"You didn't mind I kissed you?" Rose asked, referring to the kiss she'd initiated at the end of Dimitri's last teaching session, essentially outing them as an item.

"Nope. You didn't mind I kissed you back?" he teased back.

"I liked it," Rose laughed. "I thought since we're leaving tonight it didn't matter, and I wanted to see their reactions. You know – to get an idea of how it might be back at St. Vlad's?"

"Well, they all looked pretty stunned. I guess we'll find out more at dinner. Vika has arranged all her friends to meet at the dining hall at 7 pm, and she'd like us to join them."

"So we have an hour until they're expecting us?" Rose asked with a mischievous look, slowly kissing her way down Dimitri's chest and chiseled abs.

"Yes," Dimitri said with a grin as Rose unbuttoned his fly, kissing and caressing his manhood through his boxer shorts.

"Yes," Dimitri said with a grin as Rose unbuttoned his fly, kissing and caressing his manhood through his boxer shorts

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"You're looking very happy," Rose commented as they made their way down to dinner only ten minutes late.

"So are you, beautiful," Dimitri laughed, bringing the hand he was holding up to his lips and kissing it. "I'm glad you're wearing your hair out," he added. "I like it longer like this."

"Well, I think yours is getting a little too long, Comrade. You need a haircut!"

"Shhh – now you sound like Mama!" Dimitri laughed, holding Rose's hand as they walked into the Dining Hall together. Looking around they spotted Vika holding court at one of the extra long tables. Walking up they noticed there were only two spare seats – one at the far end and the other between Marat and Leo.

"Marat – switch seats please," Dimitri ordered pleasantly, pointing to the seat at the far end. Rose thought it was hysterical that Marat got up without a second thought and moved himself to the end of the table, leaving two seats side by side for her and Dimitri. Dimitri pulled out Rose's chair for her. "Can I get you your meal milaya?" Dimitri asked sweetly, his chocolate brown eyes looking at Rose lovingly.

"Thanks, Comrade. You know what I like." She hadn't meant her words to have two meanings, but she blushed a little when Dimitri raised an eyebrow and gave her a saucy look. Rose watched as he walked to the food line, admiring how handsome and manly he looked.

"You're staring again," Vika joked, and Rose looked back to the table, seeing everyone noticing her gazing at Dimitri.

"Sorry," she laughed. "Would you believe me if I told you I was fantasizing about the food almost as much as I was admiring your brother's ass?"

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