Chapter 43 - Written In The Sky

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By 8 am the entire house was up. Viktoria and Sonya had made breakfast for everyone while Karolina, Olena, and Yeva prepared to split up and visit their neighbors, asking whether anyone had seen anything. Karolina had called Xander outlining the situation. He came straight over, offering to help in any way he could.

"Ladies, each take a Guardian with you. They might notice things you miss, and we'll stay in radio contact if anyone learns anything," Pavel directed. Xander had immediately offered to escort Karolina, but Yeva had insisted on him instead accompanying her. Karolina and Xander looked apprehensive – and probably with good reason, Dimitri thought to himself. Yeva could be a handful at the best of times.

"It's a waste of time, though," Yeva predicted. "Nothing's going to come of us asking. It will be written in the sky."

"What will be written in the sky, Babushka? What do you know?!" Dimitri demanded in frustration, spinning to face his grandmother in desperation. "Please tell me!"

Usually, one to deliver her prophesies with an air of mystery, this time Yeva stroked her grandson's face fondly. "I wish I knew Dimka. I'd tell you if I did. All I know is it will be written in the sky."

"But is she safe? Is she going to be ok?"

"I don't know," Yeva answered him sadly.

Abe, Pavel, Dimitri and Guardian Hughes were going to stay at the house in anticipation of receiving a phone call.

"Someone's bound to ring soon," Pavel said reassuringly, looking to Dimitri's haggard face. Sitting waiting with the others, Dimitri did his best to believe him.

"So how did you know  where I was?" Rose asked Adrian, trying to get an idea if anyone was  likely to realize she could be with him

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"So how did you know where I was?" Rose asked Adrian, trying to get an idea if anyone was likely to realize she could be with him.

"After you left St. Vladimir's I was angry. There was an incident up at the school, and my parents put me in a detox center. It was all kept very hush hush, of course. It wouldn't do to have it known an Ivashkov was a drunk and a druggie," he laughed mirthlessly. "Once I compelled the staff at the detox center to forget I'd ever been there, I went to the allocations office and asked where Belikov had been reallocated. Since you'd disappeared at the same time, I figured there was a good chance you'd be with him. When they told me he was at St. Basil's, I rang and asked to speak to you. They said you were in class, but they'd pass on a message. I said not to bother, I'd call your cell. I have a third cousin who works at the school, so I rang her and asked about Belikov's movements. She asked around, and found out he visited his family in Baia every weekend with his sister and her friend visiting from America."

"Very clever," Rose said, frustrated that it could be days before Adrian's cousin heard about her disappearance and perhaps put two and two together. And that's assuming she'd actually speak up and tell anyone about what she knew if she did. "Aren't your parents likely to worry about you?" she asked.

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